Pep Talk

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Author's Note: I really hope you enjoyed last chapter. It was definitely my favorite one to write! I hope you enjoy this chapter as well! I own nothing... 

TIME AND DATE: Wed, Mar 7, 2018


Rachel's POV

I want to see him... He doesn't want to see me though. There is nothing I can do. I can't make him. I can't try to convince him to come see me. He won't even answer my calls or texts. I need him to understand what I'm going through. I need to get my mind of this. He's not ready and I need to understand that. I need Kurt...

"Hey Kurt!" I said happily because he answer after the first ring.

"Hey Rachel! How's everything been?" He said.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about Kurt." I said. "We broke off the engagement..."

"What!?" Kurt said in fear. "What happened?"

"I happened." I said sadly. "I broke it off. I wasn't ready for this yet. I'm still.."

"You're still what?" He said curiously. 

"I'm still not over Finn." I said. "I know it sounds crazy seen as he's gone, but I still love him Kurt. we were supposed to be endgame." 

"Rachel... Listen." he said. "I know you love Finn and he of course he loved you too, but you said it yourself Rache; Finn is gone. You have to move on and not let your past get to you. I know you are over Finn because it you weren't then you wouldn't of said yes to Jesse's proposal in the first place."

"The thing is Kurt. I love Jesse and I really wanted to marry him." I said.

"I know Rachel." he said. "But I'm a;most certain that you would have never said yes in the first place. You were over Finn, but now you're having second thoughts because you are wondering what Finn would have thought about this. In the mix of that, you are were trying to figure out if Finn was really your soulmate. the answer is yes. He WAS your soulmate...."

Wow Kurt." I said smiling. "I don't remember you being this good at pep talks!"

"I know right!" He said sounding shocked. "I guess I have a lot of talents I don't know about yet! Anyways, where is Jesse at now?" 

"As far as I know, he's staying with his friend for awhile." I said.

Well you need to talk to him Rachel!" Kurt said. "ASAP!"

"That's the thing Kurt." I said. "He won't talk to me. At all!"

"Okay. Well I'm out of words Rachel." he said. "So you have to figure this out on your own. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay Kurt." I said. "Bye. I love you."

"Love you too.."


Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will be posted next Saturday of course! :)

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