Her voice (6)

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This is purposefully short. It's from the hospital scene in the last chapter.

Chapter six: Her voice:

[Chris's POV]


That is what this reminded me of. When you're swimming, you can hear people saying things, but it sounds distorted and you hear random things in fragments. And occasionally you might see a blurry figure above you, but they can't make out what you're saying because you're underwater of course. That was what this was like, only worse. I was stuck in a bowl full of Jell-o. I hear things being said, but I can't respond. I feel myself being touched, but I can't move anything. It was the strangest feeling.

I could hear things still. I caught snippets of words, but I didn't understand what was going on outside of where I was. Most of the time it was just quiet here. Though every once and a while I could hear her. I could hear her reading things to me and I could feel her hand in mine, squeezing. Maybe that's where the strength came from. I hadn't moved in the longest time and all of a sudden I could feel my finger move. It was maybe half an inch of movement, but it was a start.

I knew she felt it. I couldn't hear anything for a moment, but then she picked up reading. While she was reading I could feel myself drifting off into sleep. Or maybe a into a deeper sleep than I was already in. Her melodic voice sped up the process considerably.

I was swimming, swimming along in the dark pool. Doing everything I could not to drown. She was keeping me afloat.


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