Chapter 7

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(They both loved each other, but neither of them knew.....)

Kates P.O.V.

Jack took me to his house to go and see the boys because I really didn't want to go home and see my mom. Jack told me hat they boys were not getting along with my mom and she was being completely rude to them, and if she can not be nice to them then i have a right to be mad at her. We pulled up in their driveway and all of the boys came running outside and almost knocked me over.


Corbyn: "Theres my second favorite girl!"



Jack: "OK guys calm down, she hasn't even stepped out of the car yet. Kate I'm going to take your stuff up to my room." he smiled at me and walked inside. Once he went inside Daniel gave me that smirk again, I smiled at him and then all of the boys got a smirk on their faces. I just laughed at it because they looked stupid, In a funny way of course.

You: "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Daniel: "Oh you know why." Daniel grew a bigger smirk across his face

You: "No i dont, please tell me why" Jonah grabbed my hand and led me upstairs into Zach's room and the boys followed, Jack was still in his room. Jonah sat me on the bed and Corbyn locked the door and basically guarded the door to make sure I wasn't gonna try to leave.

Daniel: "Kate tell us the truth, we are your best friends" I gave Daniel a confused look, he was trying to ask if i liked Jack or not but I was gonna play it off as though i didn't know what he was talking about.

You: "What do you mean? I tell you guys everything." I smiled and they all laughed

Zach: "Come on Kate, we all know that you have feelings for Jack, now spill."

Is it really that obvious? But even if i did tell them how i feel, i kinda feel like one of them would tell Jack. I dont even know if he feels the same way or not, I'm so in love with this boy but i dont know what to do.

You: "OK guys, Yes I do have feelings for Jack-" I was interrupted by all of the boys jumping up and down and screaming in excitement. I just laughed because there dorks, but their my dorks.

You: "BUT! But, I dont know if he feels the same way or not, please just dont say anything to him or else I wont trust you guys again. But yes I do, I have for a while now." My face way red and I could feel it, Daniel was the most excited about this, but hes the most hyper one out of all of us so that explains it.

Corbyn: "Dont worry, we wont tell, and Kate....He likes you also, hes always with you Kate....he never shuts up about you, that's all we ever here. Kate he does" I smiled really big at what Corbyn said. Does he really talk about me a lot?

Jonah: "Yeah Kate He-" Then we heard a bang on the door, and we all got quiet. Corbyn slowly opens the door and Jack falls onto the floor. That means he heard everything that I said. WHAT?! I was so mad.

You: "Jack what the hell?! Why were you listening in on our conversation? Did you hear everything?!" He smiled at me and then looked back down, I was so pissed off that I stormed out of the house and started to walk down the road, I just needed to go and clear my mind. i could hear Jack and the boys run after me but i ran so far that I think I lost them.

Jacks P.O.V

I took Kate's bags and things in my room and then I heard Zach's bedroom door shut and then lock. I didn't want to hear what was going on because that would be wrong, but I did it anyways. I heard Corbyn ask Kate if she liked me and then she said yes, all of the boys started going crazy but I was happy myself, I couldn't believe that she liked me back!! This girl that I have liked since I was young likes me back, But she thinks I dont like her. Man, I need to show this girl how much I love her. I was still dancing when I fell and hit the door. A couple seconds later Corbyn opened the door and I feel on the ground. Kate got up and was pissed off.

Kate: "Jack what the hell?! Why were you listening in on our conversation? Did you hear everything?!"I just smiled at her, but I didn't say anything, I just looked at the ground and then she stormed off out of the house.

Jonah: "JACK WHAT THE HELL?!" That's when we all chased after her but then we lost her. Great! Just great, I just screwed up.

Kates P.O.V

I ran away from them and just walked around for a couple hours. I was trying to clear my mind, I should not have acted like that, but he also should not have been listening on our conversation. I love this boy so much, I have strong feelings for him, but hes my best friend. I dont wanna ruin our friend ship that we have but its just so hard. Every time im around him I get butterfly's in my stomach and I dont know what to do.....After a couple hours of walking around I decided to go back to the Boy's house. I knocked on the door and Jack opened it. Once he opened it I could tell he had been crying, his eyes were red and puffy. He gave me a huge hug and then grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. he took me to his room, shut the door and locked it behind him. I just stood there and didn't say a word, because I wanted to see what he was going to say.

Jack: "Kate look, I'm so sorry for listening in on your guy's conversation. I know I shouldn't have and it was wrong of me, but I'm glad I did." I didn't understand what he meant by that, i just gave him a confused face.

You: "Look Jack, I understand that your sorry and everything but you should not have listened in, I could have been talking about stuff I didn't want you to know, ya know? and what do you mean by 'Your glad that you did'" He just looked at me and stepped closer

Jack: "Kate just please forgive me, I said i was sorry." I just looked at him, I should forgive him but he still pissed me off, I figured that i was just gonna talk to him tomorrow.

You: "I think im gonna go sleep in Daniel or Zach's room tonight, Bye Jack." I started to walk away and I heard him mumble something under his breath.

You: "What did you say Jack?" He just looked at the floor.

Jack: "...I Love you" Did he just say he loves me?! My heart started pounding. I was mad at him but i was also very happy.

You: "You....You what?" I walked towards him and I stuttered. He smiled at me and Kissed me. Once he kissed me I felt sparks. The kiss lasted about 10 seconds and then he pulled away. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Jack: "Kate I love you..." He cannot be serious, He loves me?! I was so happy I could just dance around and look like a fool. My smile grew bigger and I looked up into his eyes.

You: "Jack I love you to" He smiled and pecked my lips and then hugged me. I'm not mad at him anymore, I realized how stupid it was to be mad at him. This night turned out to be good.

Third Person P.O.V

Jack felt the sparks when he kissed Kate, he loved her so much and nothing could change that for him. He would do anything and everything for her, when she left all he did was cry and blame himself because he loves and cares about her so much. Kate loves him also, but she does not want to ruin a great friendship...that's the only thing that she is worried about. She made Jack feel amazing, he was starting to change. He thought about her all the time, everything reminded him of her. She was always on his mind and he was always on her mind. They finally confessed that they loved each other. They both went to bed that night with each other, but she couldn't sleep because all she could think about was Jack. She tossed and turned all night, until finally she crawled and slept on the floor and then she could finally sleep.

She needed to tell Jack that she didn't want to ruin their friendship but she loved him way to much to do that.....

(A.N.--- Hey guys! Im so sorry i haven't updated in like 2 weeks, I have been busy a lot lately but I will start being more active. I promise! Hope you enjoyed Chapter 6! ❤❤)

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