Chapter 13

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(Oh shit.....Me and Daniel has sex)

I quickly woke Daniel up before any of the boys came in.

You: "Daniel.....Daniel wake up." He looked very sleepy and just stared at me for a second and then realized that we both were naked.

Daniel: "Did we Um....ya know?"

You: "Yes we did, but we need to hurry up and get dressed before they come in." He nodded and headed for the bathroom

You: "Oh and Daniel!"

Daniel: "Yeah?"

You: "Can we please just keep this to ourselves and not tell anyone?" Daniel Agreed and headed for the shower. I quickly got dressed and walked out of the room. I walked down into the kitchen to see Jonah upset and crying.

You: "Jonah, are you OK?" Jonah looked up at me and then looked back down

Jonah: "Uh Yeah Kate, Im fine."

You: "Well, Obviously your not fine. Now tell me whats going on"

Jonah: "Kate, I dont want to talk about it. I appreciate you caring but im not in the mood to talk about it."

You: "Ok Jonah, I understand. Just if you ever need me in here for you" I stood up and hugged him tight. Im not gonna force Jonah to tell me whats going on but I just want to help. I walked into the living room and got on my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram and this Unknown number calls me so i decided to answer it.

You: "Hello?"

Unknown: "Kate?"

You: "Yes, this is she. And who is this?"

Unknown: "Kate...Its Falcon!"

You: "Oh my gosh! Falcon?! I haven't talked to you in forever! Hows it going?"

Falcon: "Its been way to long! And I just moved back and we haven't talked since a couple days after I left. So I wanted to see if my Best Friend wanted to hang out?!"

You: "Of course I would Love to hang out! Where do you want to meet up?"

Falcon: "Lets meet at the coffee shop"

You: "OK, ill be there in about 30 Minutes." I hung up the phone and went upstairs to get my shoes on. I grabbed my keys and walked to the door.

You: "Guys! I'm going out with a friend! Ill be back in a couple hours! If you need anything text me!" I walked out the door and got into my car. Man, I haven't seen or heard from Falcon in 2 years. She was my best friend when the boys left and then she left too. I mean I was upset but we just lost connection with each other and never really talked to each other. I'm just happy that I get to go and see her!

I got out of my car and walked into the Coffee shop and I spotted her in a heartbeat. She looked at me and ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.

Falcon: "Kate! You looks so good!"

You: "Thank you. You do too! Ive missed you!"

Falcon: "I have missed you too, now lets sit down and talk" I walked over and sat down at the table and ordered a Carmel frappe.

You: "Hows your parents? Are they doing better?"

Falcon: "Yeah, Mom is now cancer free! And Dad is still in the Army so we barley ever get to see him. You know...Mom asks about you a lot, and I mean to call you or text you but I was just so busy with helping mom, and school and everything else that was going on in my life. Im so sorry, I should have never cut you off like that. I promise that it will never happen again because all that matters is that I have my best friend back and Im happy."

You: "I'm so happy that shes cancer free now! And dont worry about it, I understand that you were just really busy. Especially with Mom. I cant imagine what that was like for you, but im just glad to have you back now!"

Falcon: "Hows your Mom and Dad?"

You: "Well I haven't really talked to Mom that much anymore. Shes just been really rude to me and my friends for no reason. And Dad is doing good, he has a new girlfriend and I mean shes ok. I really dont like her, she has that I'm better than you attitude."

Falcon: "Why haven't you really talked to your mom? Whats going on?"

You: "Well...Once I started hanging around the boys again she starting being a total bitch to them and Me and she has no reason to. So I told her that is she was gonna keep being this way then I wasn't going to talk to her, And its just been a lot."

Falcon: "Oh I'm so sorry Kate. Hey! Can I go meet the boys?!"

You: "Yes! Of course, lets go!" Me and Falcon got into the car and drove to the Boys's house. I dont think that they would care if I brought a friend over to meet them. I walked into the house and told Falcon to sit on the couch.

You: "Guys! I'm back! Come downstairs, I want you to meet someone!" Then they all come running down the stairs like its a competition. First was Daniel, the Corbyn, Jonah, Zach and Jack was last.

Daniel: "Who's here?" I walked over to Falcon and the boys followed me.

You: "Guys, this is my Best Friend Falcon. Guys, introduce yourselves."

Jonah: "Hi, I'm Jonah"

Daniel: "Hi Falcon, I'm Daniel"

Corbyn: "I'm Corbyn"

Jack: "I'm Jack"

Zach: "I'm Zach"

All the boys together: "And were Why Dont We"

Falcon: "Why Dont We?" I smiled at her and Laughed.

You: "Falcon, Why Dont We is the name of their band." She laughed like she was embarrassed.

Daniel: "Jonah! Go get your speaker! We will play her some of our songs!" Jonah runs upstairs and then comes right back down. The first song that we listened to was Trust Fund Baby. I sat there singing along to it and they were to and we all were dancing.

After about a couple hours me and Falcon were outside by the pool talking about the boys. I think she likes Zach. All she would talk about was how cute he was and how nice he is to her.

Falcon: "So Kate....Whats up with you and Jack?"

You: "I dont know anymore. He has a girlfriend because I told him that he needed to get over me."

Falcon: "Well, do you still like him?"

You: "Falcon...I dont just like him. I still Love Jack, seeing him with a girl makes me feel weird. Like I dont know how to explain it. I should have never left him like that, but im just glad that hes happy. I just miss him you know?"

Falcon: "Yes I know, so...basically your jealous of this Gabbie girl?" I laughed and started to tear up

You: "Yeah....Yeah, I guess I am." She gave me a huge hug and then looked behind me and just stared.

You: "What are you looking at?"

She motioned right behind me and I turned around to see Jack just standing there. Of Course he had to be right there at that time. I got up and stormed up to my room and locked the door and sat on my bed. Every time I open up to a friend or someone about him hes always right there.


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