Tiny man in a big world

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Chapter 1

Dangerous new world

It's damn cold in this alley with no clothes on. Why in the world am I naked anyway? Whatever, I need to find some warmth quick before I freeze to death in this rotten alley way. Its time I set off on a journey to find sanctuary in this strange new world. The world is humongous! I don't know what lies beyond this dark cold alleyway i find myself in. Am I normal sized and the world is bigger? Or is the world normal and I'm just shrunken down? I can't be any bigger than a toothpick; About 2 inches maybe. Im curious to know if I'm the only one in this big world.
Guess I better seek out other people. As I near the end of the ally, I notice a newspaper that reads, "The rule of women has begun!". What the hell does that mean?
When I came out of the alley I realized that the paper wasn't lying. These people are...giant women!? This is amazing! Let's see if I can get their attention. Hey I'm down here! down here! Someone ought to hear me. One of the giant women looked down and saw me and smiled. She picked me up and brought me to eye level. "I'm gonna save you for later little man." She then put me in a little container filled with other tiny people and continues on. Hey what's going on! Why are we in this container! All of a sudden the purse opens and a big hand comes in and grabs the container. As we were lifted out of the purse, we realized what was about to happen. The giantess was having lunch with her friends, only, there wasn't any food on the plates...WE were their lunch.
The beautiful giantess reaches in and grabs 3 tiny men and divides them amongst her friends. I could only watch in horror as these helpless men where at the mercy of these beautiful women. "MMM, look at this one." "He looks juicy." The blonde one said. "You're gonna taste so good." She licked her lips as if she was about to savor this tiny man. She then stabbed her fork into the helpless tiny. Then she picked him up, opened her big wet mouth, slid the fork inside closing her lips around it and pulling it back out. He was gone! She ate him! The look on her face was pure ecstasy. She was rubbing herself from the excitement. The redhead giantess wasn't hungry so she took her tiny man and stuck him in her massive milk white breasts. For a moment, all my fear was taken over by pure jealousy. Her breasts were like two giant marshmallows pressed together. That man was so lucky to be safe between her soft white breasts. He didn't suffer the same fate as the fat one did. Though I fear, his luck will run out soon. The last man belonged to my capturer. A beautiful, voluptuous Latina woman. She was definitely more full figured compared to her friends and was by far the most beautiful of the 3. Her skin was a shade of mocha brown with mahogany hair, the biggest hazel brown eyes, Full natural colored lips and a perfect smile. I felt not worthy of her beauty. All she had to do was look at me and I felt completely willing to do anything she asked. She was a goddess. She was MY goddess.
The man couldn't even look at her he was so afraid. She teased the man a bit by saying how this one is a little shy. She lowered her head down on the table and said, "gaze upon me my little morsel." He was trembling but did what was asked of him. He looked up and met her giant gorgeous eyes. I swear her eyes were like infinite galaxies that you could stare into for all eternity. "Don't be afraid of me, everything's gonna be alright." "Im not gonna hurt you." She reassured. "I want you to give yourself to me." "Be apart of me." "Worship your goddess." The man was literally in a trance. He submitted to her soft voice and was going to give that which is most precious to her. His life. As he stood there waiting to offer himself to this sexy giantess, she put the container behind the tiny man so I can witness all of it. she put her chin on the table and began to open her mouth. Big strands of her sticky saliva where stretching from the roof of her mouth to the surface of her tongue. like spiderwebs in a cavern. While she kept her mouth agape, her soft pink tongue rolled out like a carpet that was gonna take this willing morsel to his doom. She breathed her hot breath outward with a soft moan, causing the glass of my prison to fog up. The man started to walk towards her gaping mouth. Her slimey throat was literally beckoning him to come closer and he didn't hesitate in the slightest. He climbed up her wet salivating tongue like a staircase and lied down on it like a bed covering himself with her sweet tongue juices. She opened her eyes and looked straight at me. I have a huge erection right now, I'm so turned on and afraid all at the same time. She closed her mouth and swished him around. She couldn't contain her saliva behind her big lips so it oozed out and dripped on her massive cleavage. She opened her mouth and revealed the now softened man who had just finished cumming. She used her finger to push him closer to the back of her mouth and squeezed her throat muscles around the tiny body to keep him there while she said to me, "you wish this could be you don't you?" With one final farewell to the man in her throat, she brought my jar up closer so I can see what I have to look forward too later. She let the man slowly slip down her hungry gullet and swallowed him whole as I watched. She let out a cute burp and followed the bulge down her throat with her finger showing me the progress he's making down to her waiting stomach. She teasingly licked my jar with her hot pink tongue and said, "do you want to be next little man?"


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