Tiny man in a big world

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Chapter 5

   Deadly game

*grrrr* *ooorrrg* "oh man, my stomach is in knots." "Guess it's time to come out now little one." Ginger said as she sat on the toilet. Still unaware that Liz's tiny was trying to plead for his life before being swallowed. His potion had worn off unexpectedly and as a likely result, was brutally ripped apart by Ginger's stomach acids for the several hours he's been trapped inside. She pushed hard and her shit splashed into the toilet. Before flushing, she inspected the bowl to see how her little snack was holding up after soaking in her stomach juice for hours. Upon further inspection she noticed little bones where buried in her shit. Liz's tiny had been broken down and absorbed into her body. "Uhh, crap...this wasn't supposed to happen." "Oops!" Ginger said with a smile. "Guess I better tell Liz the bad news lol."

    Giantess Ginger is out and about doing her exercise routine and working up a sweat with a good run. "Phew! I need a breather." "I've worked up quite the appetite and could use some lunch." "I could try to round up some lucky tinies for some fun later." "Liz isn't home so I'll jog by Kat's house and see if she'd like to go hunting with me." Ginger starts to jog to Kat's house and keeps an eye out for little men to pick up on the way. As she jogs her big, sweaty white breasts are bouncing up and down, and side to side. Her training bra can't hold back her magnificent marshmallows.
    Giantess Kat is a beautifully fit, fair skinned woman with long silver blonde hair and bright sky blue eyes. She has perky breasts and a round plump ass. Unlike her friends Liz and Ginger, she loves to make her victims suffer, often causing plenty of grief before eating them. She likes to chew slaves and bite their limbs off to dish out quick pain. Though a slave never gets to choose how he dies at the hands of giantess Kat, they'd be lucky if she decided to swallow them or use them as a toy. There are worse ways to suffer after all.
    On her jog, Ginger finally reaches a bench and decides to take a break. She sits down and hears a pop under her buttcheek. "Huh? Oh! Sorry little guy." She stands up and sees the poor man's broken body and twisted face, lying in a puddle of blood and ass sweat. "You should never take a giantesses seat!" "A mistake you'll never make again." Ginger laughed. "Where there's one, there's more." "Let's see if I can find where the rest are hiding." Ginger gets down on her hands and knees and begins to prowl underneath the bench for her prey. "Mmm I can hear your heavy breathing little one." "You're so close, I can almost taste you." "Come out and play." "I don't bite–" He peeks around the corner and doesn't see where Ginger went. He then feels hot breath on his back and freezes up like a deer in a spotlight. He turns around and sees a giant pair of lips smiling at him, "–I swallow." Ginger continued. Without any preview or warning, she picks him up and throws him towards the back of her wet mouth. His muffled screaming is abruptly silenced with a loud gulp. "delicious." Ginger burped. Then suddenly, Kat shows up. "Hey Ginger!" "You're on the hunt too I see." "I found a couple on my run." "These leggings don't have pockets and they've already tried to escape so I shoved one between my asscheeks and the other in my pussy." "I hope they suffocate to death in my sweaty crevasses" Kat giggled.
Kat suggested going back to her place so they can relax. She told Ginger she had a kinky idea of what they can do with their prisoners. Upon arriving at Kat's home, Ginger notices a cage of tinies in the bedroom. "Ooo, what're they for?" Ginger asked. "Those are my little 'gladiators'." Kat said with a smirk. "Gladiators?" "You make them fight each other?" "What happens when one loses?" Ginger asked excitedly. "Well, I let the winner live a little longer, the loser, suffers my wrath." Kat answered with an evil smirk. "I wanna play too!" Ginger shouted. "Oh we will honey, we will." Kat said while glaring at the cage, tapping her stomach.
The giantesses started stripping their tight, damp workout clothes off while the tinies in the cage watch. Gingers sweaty tits jiggle around as she bends over to take off her pink leggings. Her white ass cheeks spread open and she winks her dirty asshole at the little slaves who are totally dumbfounded at her her beauty. Kat takes her tight, baby blue leggings off, allowing her bare ass to breathe. She isn't wearing any underwear so the tinies fall out of her moist, sticky crevasses and fall to the ground. Both are shriveled up and discolored. They suffocated to death because she kept them in their all day. She picks them up and shows the slaves their twisted bodies, "this is what happens when you don't obey me." She throws them in her hot mouth and begins chewing on them*crunch* *crack*. Blood and saliva seep through her lips as she gnashes their lifeless bodies with her perfect white teeth. She swallows the bloody soup down into her stomach and picks the bones from her teeth. "I'm not even gonna shower." "I want my womanly scent to be the last thing these little fuckers smell before they die." Kat said to ginger. Ginger nods in agreement and asks, "so how do we play?" "First, choose your contender from the cage, and I'll choose mine." Kat responds. "Then we place both contenders on the edge of the bed." The slaves objective is to push the other off the bed to win." "Here's where it gets kinky." Kat explains, biting her lip in a horny manner. "One of us will be waiting at the edge of the bed to dispose of the loser." "It's up to you what kind of punishment you dole out." "Be creative." Kat says with encouragement. The giantesses open the cage and try to catch two lucky contenders for their twisted game. The tinies are scurrying away as quick as they can but they can't run from their giant hands forever. Both catch their contestants and set them in their positions. "Since this Is your first time playing, I'll be the executioner first." Kat suggests. Both tinies are sweating profusely because they are now taking part in giantess Kat's kinky, but deadly game. "No! I won't fight! This is sick!" The tiny man yelled. "Fuck you, you giant bitch!" Gingers tiny gasped at his obscene language towards Goddess Kat and quickly groveled. "Pathetic meat sack." "How dare you speak to me like that!" Kat snarled. This tiny just forfeited his life prematurely. Kat quickly closed in towards the shouting man with her mouth wide open and gnashed her sharp teeth around his midsection. All you can hear behind her big wet lips is his muffled screams as her teeth grips his waist like serrated blades. Her massive pink tongue is pressing him against the roof of her mouth. His legs are flailing around with great agony then, *CRUNCH!*. Kat bites him in half. His little twitching legs fell from her bloody mouth and landed before Gingers fighter, frightening him even more. "That'll teach you to never insult me." Kat said while chewing his other half. "He doesn't deserve to be in this beautiful body." Kat spat out the wad of flesh and walked over to pick another slave. "I'm losing my patience." "I'll take my sweet time with the next person that tries me again." Kat growled. She picked another unwilling slave and set him on the bed. "I will be the executioner in this round." "In order to win this fight, you must push your opponent to the edge of the arena." Kat announced while getting on her knees and resting her chin on the edge of the mattress. "The winner will move on to the next round, the loser...hmhm...will end up here..." Kat paused and opened her giant wet maw to show the doom that awaits the loser. "Begin!"
    The two tinies charge each other with full force, throwing punches and kicks, trying to shove the each other to the edge. Neither wants to die a horrible death. They lock arms and try to overthrow one another. They push each other closer and closer to the edge where Kat is waiting with an open mouth like a dog begging for a treat. Gingers tiny is able to get his footing and holds his ground. He can feel Kat's hot breath on his back. He turns around and sees her gaping throat dripping with leftover blood and saliva from her last meal. Kat is trying to demoralize him so she can feast on his flesh. Her tongue licks his naked back in an effort to distract him. "Come on, just a little closer." "push him inside my warm mouth." Kat whispered. In a last ditch effort, Gingers tiny uses his opponents weight against him and reverses the grapple. He launched him forward so hard, he flew straight into Kats waiting mouth, landing on her slimy tongue. She Slams her mouth shut and starts chewing him up. His body is being ripped apart by Kats perfect teeth. The blood curdling screams sent shivers down the winners spine. Kats victim endured excruciating pain before being swallowed down into her stomach. "Mmm, looks like we have a winner." Kat said, licking the blood off her lips.
"Round 2! Round 2!" Ginger exclaimed. She excitedly ran to the cage and grabbed another slave, "it's my turn to be the executioner!" Ginger opens her mouth and drools all over her massive white tits and playfully massages them together. Her big tits are nice and lathered with her thick, soapy saliva. The tinies are yet again, taken aback by Gingers beautiful breasts. She sees how turned on they are getting when she massages them. Someone may just lose on purpose so they can get between her giant pillows. "Mmmm, you like that don't you?" "In order to win this round, throw your opponent between my massive tits." She mashes her tits together and lathers more salvia on them to make them sticky. "The loser will be squeezed to death." The tinies quickly snapped out of it and prepared to fight. Ginger pushed both tits together and displayed them on the edge of the mattress. "Begin!"
To Gingers amazement. Both tinies began wrestling each other to get to the edge as quickly as possible. "look at them go lol!" Ginger laughed. It wasn't a fight. It was a race. They saw an easy way out and went for it. They where gonna die anyway, might as well be suffocated to death between Gingers sexy titties. The little men both reached the crack of her tits at the same time and dove face first, totally being engulfed by her sticky flesh mountains. Ginger pushed their bodies further inside and began smothering them in her spit covered breasts. "Haha they're enjoying this as much as I am." "However, both lost." "So what should we do about this?" Ginger asked Kat. Kat replied, "You're the executioner, do what you want with them." Ginger opened her breasts causing the tinies to fall out. Both where still alive and very turned on. Both look up and see Gingers emerald green eyes staring down at them. "Im pretty hungry." "Hmm, I think I'll swallow both of you." Their smiles quickly turn to frowns. They try to run for it but their efforts are futile. One tiny trips and pushes the other down on accident. Ginger grabs the tiny's foot but before she drags him back, out of fear, he takes hold of the tiny's leg in front of him. "Mmm, two for one." She giggled. The giantess picks up her victims and dangles them over her open mouth like two sausage links. The tinies are lowered down slowly into the steaming sauna. Her breath smells of sweet saliva. The bottom tiny is the first to be all the way inside so she snaps her mouth shut and claims her first victim, only, the tiny didn't let go of the front ones leg. She quickly sucks him like a noodle and he disappears inside her hungry mouth. *mouth POV* "AHH!" "Let go of my leg!" He pleaded, trying to kick his hand off. The tiny is being dragged down her throat but won't let go of the others leg. Gingers powerful throat swallows and both are effortlessly dragged straight to an acidic hell. They will die horrible deaths as they are slowly digested alive in Gingers rotten abyss.
"I need to figure out what we can do for the next round to keep it interesting." Kat said. "Do you think Liz would want to come over and play?" She asked. "That's a great idea!" "I'll invite her over." Ginger replied eagerly. While Ginger flauntingly walked over to the phone she caught the tinies stroking their little penises and suggestively staring at her giant white ass. Gingers eyes widened with lusty excitement and approached the cage. "What are you staring at huh?" "You lookin me up and down like little perverts?" "Is this what you want?" Ginger pressed her giant ass against the cage to tease them. She spread her asscheeks and showed them her tight pink asshole. A tiny walks up to try and touch it but Gingers asshole opened up and blew out a cute fart, blowing him back. "Haha oops!" She starts to finger her smelly asshole while the tinies continue to masturbate with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. Kat walks up and sees her slaves ogling at Gingers ass. "Aha, I got the perfect idea." She said to herself. Kat joins in and starts fingering her throbbing, dripping wet, pussy. The tinies are blinded by desire. The giantesses have found a way to mesmerize them, maybe now, they'll sacrifice themselves without question. They are however, still frightened by their enormous size and power, but a small part of them still wonders what it's like to serve a beautiful giantess, even if it means a slow and painful death. The giantesses carnivorous holes are longing for flesh, and the special on tonight's menu....live men.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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