I dont want to lose you

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I need you in my life

Or I'm not alright

So don't walk away

I won't be okay if you do

I just don't wanna lose you

-I don't want to lose you Jamestown story.


Arriving home, Kristen threw her wallet and phone onto the chair before face-planting onto their bed. She needed to figure out how to explain this to Stella, but she knew it was no use. this was bad from all angles.

Stella returned home that night to an empty house. She thought for sure Kristen would have been home. Maybe she had a last minute thing? But they knew each other's schedule. She went into their bedroom to change into some pajamas, not expecting to see Kristen curled up in the bed quietly sobbing into the pillow. Cole was curled up beside her sound asleep.

"Kristen?" Stella questioned as she climbed Into the bed. She slowly wrapped her arm around her. "What's wrong?"

"Stella, I'm so sorry" Kristen choked out.

"Sorry about what?"

"I'm- I'm pregnant." Kristen cried gasping for air in between sobs.

"Kristen that doesn't make sense."

"It was a one night stand, we were both drunk."

"Do you even know who the father is?" Stella's voice came out like venom.

"That's the unfortunately easy part" Kristen groaned. "It's Rob."

"As in your ex?"


"What the hell Kristen? When did this happen?"

"New Orleans, that weekend. Before you came..."

"I can't believe you, Kristen. Why just why the fuck!"

"Don't worry about it Stella I'm taking care of it."

"What do you mean?" Stella whispered

"I'm getting an abortion. I can't raise this baby."

"Kristen, I need some air." Stella made her way out of the bedroom confirming Kristen's fear.

"Stella, please!" Kristen cried. She quickly got out of bed, tripping over the blankets as she stumbled to the door. Her worst fear was basically confirmed. Stella had left. She didn't know how long this would last or even if Stella would come back at all.

"I ruined everything" she whispered into the air. She slid down against the door frame of the bedroom and wrapped her arms around her knees quietly sobbing. She wasn't sure if there was any fixing this now.

She wasn't sure how long she had been sitting there, nor did she care. the world as she knew had stopped.

Managing to get herself back onto the bed, she wrapped the blanket around her and just sat there. Her phone kept buzzing, no doubt either Suzie or CJ. Stella had probably contacted them to keep an eye on her or to go crying to them that her girlfriend was a fuck up of epic proportions.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, she turned her phone off and laid down. Wrapping her arm around Cole before beginning to softly cry again.


It was after 2 am by the time Stella had returned to the house. She needed the time away, to think. She never thought Kristen would ever do this to her. But she could also tell Kristen was beyond sorry for what had transpired that night. They were both drunk and they got caught up in each other. She wasn't going to throw away everything they had built because of one mistake.

Stella took off her jacket and slung it over a chair at the island before grabbing a drink out of the fridge. She knew Kristen would most likely be asleep and debated on just crashing on the couch until morning. But she also knew there was no way she could just leave things the way they were.

Putting her glass in the sink she climbed up the stairs towards the bedroom. The room was softly glowed by the tv and Stella could see Kristen form wrapped tightly in the blanket. Her face was tear stained and her hair was a damp mess stuck to the pillow beneath her.

"Kris" Stella softly whispered as she brushed her fingers over Kristen's cheek. Slowly she climbed Into bed and pulled Kristen against her.

"Hmm," Kristen mumbled. "Who's there?"

"It's me, Kris."

"Stella? I thought you left."

"I came back"

"I thought you left me for good" Kristen sobbed. Her voice hoarse from all the crying she had already done.

"I'm not about to throw away over a year's worth of memories just because you made one mistake."

"I never want to lose you....ever."

"Let's get some sleep Kris, we can talk more In the morning." Stella laid all the way down and stroked her girlfriend's cheek. There was still one burning question that she needed to know.

"Kristen...are you really getting an abortion?"

"Yes." Kristen softly stated. "I can't do this, I can't have his child especially since I'm with you. Anyway goodnight."

"Night hun."

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