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Ok, I have to write this because I'm truly blown away over the amount of love you guys have shown this story. When I first started writing Lights Down Low I was nervous. Very nervous. I thought for sure I would have hate comments galore and was very shocked to not see anything but love. I thought I was making Kristen out to be an oversensitive bitch at times and at other times just an asshole and I HATED doing that. With every fiber of my being. I love Kristen (ok that sounds wierd) but you know. She's my queen. Anyway, I do think in rl she is a sensitive person and I could totally see this situation happening in rl. Anyway i knew when I thought of this that I had to write it down and I'm glad I did. Thank you guys again from the bottom of my heart! :) you guys are amazing and yes please believe me when I say I don't mean to make Kristen sound weak I just go off what I observe in real life.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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