A hung up.

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Years have passed. You've changed.
but I'm still the same.

are you the same boy that I knew?

do u still think of me?
do u still hear my voice in your dreams?
do u replay our memories?

or have you forgotten them all?
Have u moved on?

I never thought I'd ever feel this way for anyone,
I've never ever known what true love is like
we don't even talk anymore.
I'm so confused and scared,
I want you but I don't dare
I want your kisses but i'm afraid i'll get addicted to them,
I want your touch but I'm scared. What if I lose myself in them?
I want to see u smile but not with other girls.
The fact that you're still in my mind aftr all these years...
It makes me so anxious.
Is this love? or just a crush?
or am i just a hung up?

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