Costume Pains

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Another day, another morning, and another pain in the ass called responsibilities. Fade laid in his bed, his bags somehow darker, and a chilling difference from his pale complexion. With his phone turned on and constantly ringing, he sighed, "women talk too much" he mutters struggling to lift himself off of the comforts of his bed. Attempting to get up he tripped on a wire and banged the back of his head on the bed frame, "fu...." He had no energy to finish his sentence, "Fade~! Are you okay!?" Yuka worriedly rushed to him pouncing out of his closet, "yeah, yeah" he waved her off and hoisted himself up, "okay, get out" he lightly pushes the girl towards the door, roughly pulling off his clothes he yawned dragging himself to the bathroom. Yuka stood on the other side of the door, a bit shaken, she had forgotten how terrifying that person was, she trembled her lips quivering as she bit them, "oi, you're blocking the door" a kick from the door had woken her up from her fright, "s-sorry" she opens the door to meet the usual scraggy boy that she's known since childhood, and that somehow calmed down her nerves. "You're tie, it's crooked" she walks up to him and straighten his ties, "thanks" he mumbles scratching his head, lazily he picks up his bag and slings it over his shoulders.

Apparently today they would have All Might as their teacher, great. After Present Mic's English lessons they all gathered up into the Grand Mess Hall to eat the first rate chef, Cooking Hero Lunch-Rushes food for cheap, and then finally the afternoon, because people don't know that All Might was human they exclaimed in shock when he entered through the door, like a person. With a whole heap of yelling Fade listened quietly his head resting on his arms, though he started getting a bit tired, since he had less sleep than usual because of a certain someone with a big mouth. "Fade, Fade, we have to go" Yuka shook the boy lightly, knowing that putting force into it would make him go into a half-asleep grumpy faze, arcing his head upwards he yawned and slowly got up slumping his shoulders.

They were all huddled in gender separate rooms, instructed to put on their hero costume that they had designed. Fade had no idea what they were implying, and that he had not designed anything, when a package came in addressed to him. "Oh... sis huh?" he scratched his head grabbing the package and unboxing it. He scowled, he had already changed this morning and now again, then again then another time when he gets home, taking off his blazer he unbuttoned his shirt, and many yelled as soon as his skin was exposed to the air, scars, cuts, bruises and scabs, were all seen by just the front of his chest, the rest still covered by his shirt, "what?" he asked, puzzled on why everyone was so surprised, "I'm sorry Fade if I'm pushing too far but, how did you get those injuries?" Ilda questioned pushing up his glasses, "these?" he points to his chest, "doesn't matter" turning his head he went back to what he was doing, "s-sor-"Fade clicked his tongue, "I hate people like you," he sighed, "don't apologize for no reason, do you want someone to feel sorry for you or something?" he scowled, "n-no, sorry for being rude" he bowed. Continuing their change, the male classmates discovered that Fade must have gone through some sort of abuse or a mental patient had gotten to him one time, because the amount of painful looking scars and scabs that plagued his body was appalling, they had also found out that Fade is the definition of skin and bones, not a single muscle bumping out of his seemingly smooth pale skin.

He raises his shirt which had lines similar to the training jumpsuit looking at it puzzled, he reached for the four small brown belts wrapped in plastic, it was about the size of his arm, he puts the shirt on and attaches two belts on each side, "feels like a strait jacket... Haven't worn one of those in a while" his voice had a pissed off tone, remembering the time his sister had put him in one and strapped an iron ball to his leg and made his swim. He took a sleeveless hoodie adorned with two yellow stars on each side of the seams and put it on, it was grey before turning fully black at his chest fading into digital like lines, black lose pants made his former proper-like outer wear turn into a slop, his shoes were grippe shoes adorned with a metal that explodes on harsh impact, basically a contact explosive, it had a yellow base that pixilated into black on its way up his shoes, a speaking device attached around his ear, the speaker was a semi-circle covered with a blue rim that sat on the side of his cheek like a sticker, and finally a collar with a thick metal chian hanging from it all the way down to his upper hip. He looked in the mirror "hmm, I guess it's what she would make, not very hero-like but it's comfortable" he left satisfied.

"So, Yuka! What's with Fade? Why do you hang out with him?" Mina asked bubbly talking off her skirt, "Fade? Because... He is my close friend" she replied, "He is the only one... who understands my pain" she continued, "pain huh?" "please don't look at me change... no one needs to see" she whispered her voice shaking, all the girls stared at her but accepted her request, quickly changing and leaving to wait for the girl. Yuka checks for Toru or the other girls, to see if they were hiding, sighing in relief she lifts her shirt, revealing a large scar travelling to her right shoulder to her hip, it seemed burnt in some way, she touched it thinking of Fade, he had the same thing but two of them on his back in a sort of cross pattern, she was truly terrifying, a woman that should be feared by all, The Necromancer Villain that is

Yuka wore a purple T-shirt with the same line design as Fade, a puffy pink jacket with rabbit ears was sewn on the top, purple digital lines drawn up from the seams of her jacket faded at her waist, pink shorts with a white belt, black knee socks attached to white and pink shoes, making her legs most comfortable, a white necklace with a speaker crawling up her neck to the bottom right of her jaw. "Done" she said confidently, she looked warm and fluffy, just like a rabbit. All of class A headed towards a building possibly the place where The Trial Battles would take place. Naturally Fade and Yuka were paired together. Fade stood guard of their pod bombshell looking thing, while Yuka went hunting for the enemies. Leaning his back against the pod thing he sighed picking at the small pebbles scattered around playing with them and throwing them around. He could hear a faint sound of destruction, meaning that Yuka was busy "hunting" as he had instructed her to do, carelessly leaving his position he walks to the enemy's side, following the fallen pillars and avoiding the holes in the ground, slowly but surely he arrives the battle sight, seeing Yuka beat the ever living shit out of her opponent, the other unconscious in the corner, he snails his way to the pod-thing and touches it, "Yuka... Стоп" her body twitches before she climbs off the heavily injured boy sitting in a daze. "What are your thoughts on All Might?!" a mic was practically shoved into his face, unfortunately for the reporter another women had sucked the life out of him already last night over the phone, so she couldn't get anything but a, "I don't give a shit about the damn old man" as the girl behind him hissed like a cat, glaring furiously at anyone who tried to get close. Managing to crawl his way to his seat, he closed his eyes immediately as Aizawa entered the room. Yuka as usual starts her routine of waking Fade, guiding him to the Mess Hall and feeding him. "You alright?" he asked, which made her jump mentally, "What do you mean?" she blinks, she must have been hallucinating, Fade hasn't cared about her wellbeing since years ago, "well I did use you, and sis gave me an earful" he scratches his head averting his eyes. Yuka gave a small smile, "Fade, my body is yours to use you know? Whether I like it or not, I am yours for life" she smiles cheerfully knowing that Fade was concerned, "that could be taken out of context fast" he mumbled, "for now anyway" he sips from his cola. A siren seeps out into the school, an emergency evacuation had the students in a wild panic, rushing for the exit, tough the pair stayed to finish their meal, hearing a powerful yell which obviously was Ilda, which had completely stopped the screams. Back in class they were tasked with a rescue mission which had Fade groan, which in his language meant "what a fuckin pain in the ass" they all put on their hero suits, the boys still weary of the pale boy, and set off on a bus. "Hey" Mina popped her head between the two isolated pair, "what's up with you two?! C'mon down here and have some fun!" she bounced dragging the two from the back of the bus to the near front, the conversation of Midoriya's quirk had scrambled about, "One for All" Fade said out loud making the green haired nerd jolt and look at him, "what?" he glared at the boy, "why did you get so perked up brat?" he asked, "please Fade, bullying isn't allo-" "is asking a question bullying to you four eyes?" he quickly retorts, making this the second time he has cut off Ilda and their second conversation, "Fade... Being, rude" she tugged on his sleeve, clicking his tongue he sat straight in his seat, "sis told me All Might's quirk is called One for All, just thought it was strangely similar to the brats" he explained, a silence fell before a conversation about quirks rose from Fades explanation, "so what's your quirk Yuka?" Uraka askes tilting her head to look at the girl, "r-rabbit quirk... A bit like Asui's Frog quirk I...have the abilities of a rabbit" she blushes making rabbit ears with her hands, "and...." Uraka's smile fades as she turns to the boy, "secret" he simply answers her ghost words.


Hello! Kuro Here! sorry about the last segment.... I have no idea what happened and I can't be bothered to type i=the who thing out again so please bear with it.

Villainous Quirk In U.A (Boku a no Hero Academia FF)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن