Asleep because of a movie (Caesuras x Diana)

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It was the holidays and Caesuras and Diana were in Caesuras home town Camoolwheel where they were watching a movie on the tv Caesuras has in her room Diana was intrigued with what was on "that's so beautiful" Said Diana wiping a tear from her eye she looked over to Caesuras's direction smiled at the Bullgerelly girl a sleep next to her. She grabbed a blanket and the Australian with it and finished with a kiss on the cheek waking her up Caesuras opened her eyes and sat up "did I wake you up?" Diana asked "na I'm right" Caesuras replied "what happened?" "You missed the movie" Said Diana "crikey! I did too" Caesuras replied "how was it?" "Beautiful too bad you fell asleep" Diana teased "hey" Caesuras replied with a chuckle and started to resel Diana on the bed "no Caesuras I know what you're thinking don't" she said Caesuras started to tickle Diana "Caesuras stop I'm ticklish" she said laughing and squealing at the same time the girls laughed all night until the laughter died down into a kiss "c'mon time for bed" Said Caesuras "good idea" Diana replied snuggling up to Caesuras the girl went sleep.

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