More than this (Akko x Diana x Andrew)

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Akko POV 

I ran towards my dorm with tears streaming down my face after what had happened between Diana and Andrew I couldn't believe it Diana the love of my life and Andrew my rival for Diana's love I didn't know what was going on with them I thought they just friends when I got to my dorm, I grabbed the dorm and unlocked it and turned the knob ran inside and slammed the shut  I slid down the door "why, why him?" I asked crying I cried for ages until I couldn't cry anymore and began to write a song telling Diana how I feel the some was called more than this I couldn't see anything cause of the tears that were in my eyes and they came out. The next, I walked around a bit just to calm my self until I bumped into Caesuras "hey" I said trying ta sound happy "g'day Akko" Caesuras replied Caesuras looked at me with concern "you alright Cadet ya look a bit off" She asked I couldn't hide my tears any longer "no I'm not ok" I replied crying "oh Crikey" said Caesuras as she opened her arms to hug me while I cried on her shoulder "I should've known Cass but I loved her so much" Caesuras tried to think of ways for me to tell Diana how I fell then she came up with one.

Light bulb

"Akko" she called I looked up "yeah" I replied "why don't you sing to her?" Caesuras asked "but I don't have a song to sing" I replied then I remembered "wait yes I do" I said "the song I wrote but I can't sing it by myself" "you won't have to" Caesuras replied "I'll sing with you" I looked up "really?" I asked "yep" she replied with a smile I started ta smile "thank you Cass" I replied in happiness and hugged her "no worries mate" Caesuras replied and ran to the cafeteria cause I was hungry no not really I just wanted ta see Diana before I focused on the song Amanda saw me  "hey Akko" Amanda called "we need entertainment do you know a song?" "Yeah I do" and walk to the stage "what's it called" asked Diana "it's called more than this and I wrote it for you Diana" I replied Caesuras stood beside me and mouthed 'I got ya six' followed by a wink the guitar started playing it was Adrian as he gave me a thumbs up "ok here goes Cass can you start us off" I replied and she did




I'm broken, do you hear me?
I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see,
I'm dancin' alone, I'm praying,
That your heart will just turn around

And as I walk up to your door,
My head turns to face the floor,
'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say,


When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this, 


When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this,
Can love you more than, this

If I'm louder, would you see me?
Would you lay down
In my arms and rescue me?
'Cause we are the same
You saved me,
But as you leave it's gone again,

But when I see you on the street,
In his arms, I get weak,
My body fails, I'm on my knees,


When he opens his arms ta hold you close tonight,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this, 


When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this,
Can love you more than, this


I've never had the words to say,
But now I'm askin' you to stay
For a little while inside my arms,



And as you close your eyes tonight,

I pray that you will see the light,

That's shining from the stars above,

And I say

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this,


'Cause I can't love you more than this

(All together)

When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this,


When he opens his arms ta hold you close tonight,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this,


When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this,
Can't love you more than this

When we finish Diana looked at me I walked away feeling tears stream down my face and ran to my dorm and cried. I cried for hours and hours until I heard a knock on my dorm room door I looked up "who is it?" I asked "Akko it's me Diana" diana replied I wiped my eyes, stood up and opened the door "hey what's up?" I asked trying to sound ok but I wasn't even Diana knew I wasn't ok "may I come in?" Diana asked "sure" I replied, moved out of the doorway and closed the door as she walked into my dorm she slowly turned around "are you ok?" Diana asked I looked down "yeah I'm ok" I replied she walked up to me and gave me a hug "no you're not" I started crying we sank on the ground while I cried on her shoulder crying was the only thing I could apart from writing a song an hour later I stopped crying "Diana go please" I said "Andrew needs you" "no he doesn't" Diana replied "we broke up weeks ago" we broke the hug "wait you did?" I asked Diana knodded gently wiping a tear out from my eyes "you don't need to cry anymore" she said with a smile and hugged me again "it's ok akky I'm hear"

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