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Warning(s): mentions of suicide.
Heidi Hansen sat at the table, holding a cup of tea.

   "Honey, I just think that Evan might need a father figure in his life. Especially now," Cynthia Murphy stroked the other woman's hand.
  "I know, but I haven't got time to date or anything. I have to study and work," She excused.
"Hey, how about we give you a loan to last about three months? You can have time to negotiate your pay with your boss, you can take a gap year so you can gather your thoughts, plan your future and all that," Cynthia offered.
    "I don't know, I'd hate to do so," She took a sip of tea.

"Oh, please. Consider it a gift. Larry and I love you and Evan, we'd gladly make any donation for you," She insisted.
 It took some coaxing, but Heidi accepted the gift. She had to go to work, so she thanked Cynthia for everything and left.

 Paul walked in the middle of the road. Stupid, he knew, but he needed to get home and there was barely any traffic, so it was fine. Barely. A red car honked its horn, but it was too late, it had hit him.

A couple of hours later, he was in a hospital bed, waiting for a nurse to come and check on him. He hadn't called Jeremy, because his phone was broken from the impact, but the boy was used to his father not being home.

    "Hi, I'm Heidi, and I'll be your nurse. Now, can you tell me where it hurts??" A woman came in. She had shoulder length, pale blonde hair and a notepad in her hands.

    "My leg is burning up, if that's what you mean. I've also got a headache, y'know, from hitting the ground," Paul said.
   "Okay." She scribbled something down. "And do you have any family members we should contact?"

   "My son, Jeremy. But my phone is broken, so you can't call him,"
"Sir, you have a phone right beside your bed," She said. He turned to look, and one of those phones that you usually find in hotels sat there.
    "Oh, right. Uh, can you call him? I think my shoulder is dislocated," Heidi reached over and picked it up. She smelled like antibacterial soap, tea, and pizza.

"(Insert Jeremy's Phone Number)" He said.

Jeremy was sitting in Michaels basement, playing Apocalypse of the Damned. His phone rang.
  "Hello?" He picked up.
"Hi, is this Jeremy Heere?" A woman replied.
"Yeah, why?"
   "I'm Heidi, I'm calling from New Jersey State Hospital. Your father was hit by a car,"
"What? Is he okay?" Jeremy jumped up from the beanbag.
  "He's fine," Jeremy hung up after ten awkward seconds of silence.
"Dude, we gotta run. My dad's in the hospital," He said to Michael. Michael nodded and grabbed their jackets.

 Paul was okay, other than the broken leg and dislocated shoulder, and he was watching some show when his son came in.
   "Dad!" Jeremy ran up to the bed.
"Hey," He groaned, as his son had pushed a bit against his broken leg.
   "Oof, sorry. What happened? Are you okay? When will you come out?" Jeremy moved a bit away from the leg.
      "I got hit by a car, don't worry, I'm actually kinda okay. I don't know when I get out, but stay with Michael until I do, alright?" Michael whipped out his phone and called someone.
    "Hey moms! I was wondering if Jeremy could stay with us for an undecided amount of time?" Silence, he was nodding a bit.

  "Yeah, Paul was in a car crash and Jere needs somewhere to stay," More silence.

  "Thanks moms!" He hung up. "Yeah, you can stay with us,"

   A few hours after the boys had left, Heidi came in again.

     "Alright, sir, I'm going to give you some pain meds, and your sleeping meds," She said.
"Uh, hey. I know it's kinda inappropriate, but, would you like to get a coffee with me sometime?" He asked. Heidi smiled at him.
    "When you get out. I spoke to the doctors and they said you were healing quickly, so you're out in a few days," She grabbed the notepad and scribbled something down, ripped off the page and handed it to him.

 "In case you need to contact me,"

Evan was doing homework, sitting on his bed, listening to some music. A knocking on his window distracted him. It was Connor Murphy.
    "C-Connor, what are you doing here?" Evan stuttered.
"I wanted to see you again. And my dad is being an asshole," Connor sat down.

     "Well, come in," Evan smoothed out his shirt. Connor obeyed and came inside.
"What do you wanna t-talk about?" The smaller boy asked. Connor looked around.
     "Anything, what are you passionate about?" He said nonchalantly. Evan blushed.
"Trees," Connor smiled.
     "I guessed as much. Do you want help with studying?" He suggested. The blue dressed boy nodded. He began saying something, but cut it off before the sentence made sense.
"I, uh, I was hoping I-I could braid your hair while we study?" He repeated, blushing intensely.
     "Of course, I'll read the text and ask you questions about it while you play with my hair," The emo child said softly. They had a really pure friendship, it was soft and neat, they would do anything for each other. They had both talked the other from suicide, and it was still a touchy subject for them. The best part? They both had humongous crushes on each other. It was adorable, how they loved each other, and were oblivious to the requited feelings.

Evan fiddled with Connors hair, practicing braids, hairstyles and was loving the feeling of the soft hair in his hands.

    "What is Newton's third law?" Connor asked.
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," Evan thought for a while before answering. Connor put the book down.

    "You've got this in a bag," He said confidently.
"A-are you sure?" Evan asked. The emo sat up carefully and took the smaller one's face in his hands.
    "As sure as I am of the fact that Jared is a weird as fuck asshole," Evan laughed softly. They embraced, protecting each other.

Everything felt fine, they were all halves of a pair.

Hey! I'm Izzy, the author. This has been in my drafts For Forever, so I'm glad it's out now. Updates will be irregular and a bit slow, but they will be at least 500 words long. I will probably not write angst, because I love my babies too much. 
Q: What is your favourite colour?

Answer in the comments!
 *Gives y'all Ahlgrens Bilar (A Swedish candy)*


My.....Brother?- A Treebros/Boyf Riends StepBrother FanficWhere stories live. Discover now