The Shopping Trip

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Gods that title is awful. This chapter is actually kinda long and it talks more about the bridesmaids for Hermione's wedding. Enjoy the chapter!


1 week later

I got an owl from Hermione telling me to meet her and the rest of her possible bridesmaids in the Leaky Cauldron today at noon. So here I am at a quarter to noon putting on a pair of jeans, combat boots, a ravenclaw shirt, and my army green jacket. Then I concentrate and put blue highlights in my french braided hair then apparate into the Leaky Cauldron.

"Hey guys"




"Oh look! Here come Daisi andTansi!" Daisi is Hufflepuff that transferred from Beauxbatons to Hogwarts the year after the war and is in Hermione's year, Tansi is her Slytherin twin. A few minutes later Luna comes in.

"Hello..." Luna says dreamily

10 minutes later

The girls and I are walking down the street and Hermione starts talking about the dresses.

"One of the reasons that I chose you guys is because you were all in different houses at Hogwarts and I want to show house unity at my wedding." Then Luna speaks up.

"Will I be able to wear yellow?"

"I was thinking that you would wear blue."

" Well, can I just help out because it is good luck to wear yellow."

"I guess, Ari can you represent Ravenclaw then?"

"Sure," I respond.We go into Wendel's Wizard Wear and head towards the section of dresses and Hermione says that she is going to go look at wedding dresses while we find our dresses. We wander around for a bit then Ginny spots a pretty red dress, and picks it up. Then Daisi and Tansi come back, each holding a dress in their house colors. They slip into the dressing rooms with a promise to help me find a dress when they get back. I sit down and wait for them then Ginny comes running out.

"What happened?" I ask

"I found you the perfect dress! Come on!" she says as she drags me into the dressing rooms.

"Here it is!" I look over and see that she's right. It's amazing. I go try it on and use my metamorphmagus power to change my hair to a black like Harry's though still with the blue highlights and my eyes to a piercing gray. I walk back out and all the other girls gasp. It really isn't that complex of a dress just a short blue strapless dress they get me blue converse and I put them on and smile.

"Wow" is all Ginny says.

"You guys look great!" Mione says, coming up behind us.

"Thanks!" we all reply

"Did you get your dress?" Daisi asks

"Yep! I love it! See you all next week for the bridal shower?"

"See you Mione" I say as I disappear into my dressing room and change my hair and eyes back to normal.

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