Step 1: Domination

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  You want to be a tsundere? Well, you might as well become a bodybuilder while you're at it. Training your body is an absolute key to becoming a tsundere; becoming a tsundere requires beating the living shit out of the person you love. I don't know why, but it's hella sexy you know? Maybe the gears were grinded. Who knows? I'm pretty sure that every tsundere believes that their crush is a massive masochist and wants to be constantly beaten up 24/7 365. Of course, you have to limit yourself. You don't want to hurt them enough so that they're in the state of almost dying or to the point in which it could land you in custody.  

How to be A Tsundere!   ^w^Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin