Chapter 15: Under The Moon

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  Elvis sat on one of the two wooden swings that was tied into to a strong thick tree branch with rope, in the back yard of Dean's house. He was deep in thought about what Candice had said, but again, he couldn't help that he had the fame he did. He watched the night stars twinkle in the dark blue night sky with curious eyes. Gentle footsteps patted in the grass behind him but he hardly noticed enough to turn around and acknowledge the person. "Long night?" the voice asked, stopping beside him. He instantly knew who it was but didn't look up. "Sort of." he answered. She sat down on the swing next to him, with a small grunt; gripping fists around the rope that held up her swing. "Penny for your thoughts?" she said softly. He smirked and looked over at Lana, who stared back curiously. "Candice..." he began, "She said somethin' to me earlier." "What did she say?" Lana asked curiously as her shoeless feet pushed her back and forth gently on the swing. He shook his head not wanting to repeat the words. He felt guilty. He didn't know how much the attention he had caused her to be so sour. He just figured because she was fine with it before that she always would be ...but he guessed that things had changed. "You can tell me." Lana insisted sweetly. Elvis looked down at his hands and sighed. "Its nothin'," he shrugged. "Stupid." "So stupid that your sulking over it?" Lana half smiled. "I ain't sulkin'," he returned a smile, "Just got a lot on my mind." Lana only chuckled softly in return and didn't ask anything more about his thoughts. "Why're you out here, anyways?" Elvis asked, looking back up at her, "Shouldn't you be in there with y'r boyfriend?" His words were almost bitter, but because he covered his jealousy with a small grin, they sounded more teasingly. Lana shrugged slowly. "Maybe," her voice was soft. "Maybe?" Elvis repeated with a raised brow. "I don't know," Lana spoke honestly, "He's having fun without me, anyway. He didn't even noticed I left." A smile tugged in her face but it was obvious she was hurt by the carelessness of Dean Martin. "I'd have fun without my date too if she were as borin' as you." Elvis joked. Lana chuckled, tossing back her head a little. "Oh very funny, Presley," she seethed with sarcasm, "Very funny." He smiled, letting his pearly white teeth gleam. Silence filled over them; peaceful silence. They both looked up at the stars and enjoyed the small passing breezes of frosted air. It was nice with just the two of them. Lana began to swing high; lifting her legs back and forth. "Come on, Elvis," she giggled, "Lets see who can get the highest." He watched her for a moment, realizing that he had changed her. She laughed beautifully and smiled like he had never seen before. He swung himself until he was as high as she was; enjoying the small amount of excitement in his chest. Lana giggled as the wind tickled her nose. "Lets jump off!" Elvis shouted to her. "And break our ankles? No way! We're too high." she laughed.  Within seconds he had jumped off and rolled in the grass. Lana let out a yelp at the shock of him actually jumping off from as high as they were. Her swinging slowed when she realized he wasn't moving. "Elvis, stop messing around." she spoke sternly. She stopped moving, letting her feet touch the ground, and she watched  him as he lay on his stomach, completely still. "Elvis?" she called curiously. She removed herself from the swing and rushed over to Elvis. "Elvis!" she called with worry. She fell to his knees and quickly turned him over on his back; his head wresting on her lap. "Elvis!!" her voice quivered with fear as she slightly shook him. He groaned as if he were unconscious. "Elvis?" He coughed as his hand lazily lay on his stomach. "Elvis?! Can you hear me?" she called out to him gently. "Need..." he trailed off weakly. Her eyebrows pushed together. "Need? Need what?" she asked quickly. Her heart was racing at the ill boy. "A..a.." he stuttered weakly. "A what?!" she shouted in a hurry. "A...kiss." Lana's shoulders fell to her side. "Oh, you." she angrily hit him in the chest. Elvis broke out into laughter as Lana pushed him off of her lap. "That wasn't funny!" she frowned. Elvis held his stomach as he calmed his laughter; sitting up. "Why?" he chuckled, "Were you worried about me?" She rolled her perfectly shaped eyes. "No," she crossed her arms, "I was worried about myself. I mean, what would the police think if they seen Elvis Presley dead in my arms? I could care less what happens to you." Her words were a cold joke. Elvis clutched a hand onto his chest dramatically. "Oh that hurts, baby." he teased with a smile. She giggled and playfully hit him in the arm and looked up at the moon as they stayed sitting in the cold grass. Elvis looked over at her with smiling eyes; watching her closely as her hair blew back and her eyes sparkled under the moon; her lips looked full and beautiful with gloss; she was perfect; she was beautiful. "Find what you're looking for?" she teased when realizing that Elvis had been staring at her. He blushed as she looked at him. "I think so..." he mumbled sweetly. Her heart skipped a couple of beats as he leaned into her, their noses gently touching. "Elvis." she whispered, barely shaking her head. "Just one." he whispered back. She had tried so hard to be strong. She fought off every feeling she could because she had morals; morals that weren't worth breaking. All she could think about was how many people would be hurt if she let Elvis's gentle lips touch hers. She couldn't hurt Candice again, or Dean, or even herself. And though she wanted it, though she craved it, she pulled away from Elvis. "We can't do this." Lana said. "Its just a kiss," Elvis whispered, leaning in closer. She slid her hand to the back of his neck and gently gripped the back of his silky black hair. "But its not," she whispered against his lips and slowly moved away from him, making her way back inside. Elvis watched her leave that night. His heart pounded and his palms were clammy because he knew she was right. It wouldn't have been just a kiss. Lana would have fallen in love and Elvis would have done the same. His heart was already yearning for her and he hadn't even had the chance to kiss her yet. Imagine his heart after he kisses her...

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