Chapter 27: Not This Time

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Elvis drove his car down to the street until he saw Lana sitting in her light pink Cadi. It had been only a couple of minutes after they had talked on the phone. He parked next to her and rolled down the window. "Hey, baby." he beamed as she got out of her car. "Hi." she smiled weakly before getting into the passenger seat of Elvis's car. Elvis began to drive off. "Where'd ya wanna go?" Elvis asked, Lana running her fingers through his dark, black hair. "Let's run away." she whispered. Elvis smiled. "I wish." Lana frowned, "Me too..." She could feel the nervous pain in her stomach and a sob caught in her throat. "Actually..." Lana began softly, "There's something I need to tell you." "And what's that?" Elvis smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. Lana hesitated with the words that tingled at her lips. She kept debating if what she thought she needed to say was worth saying; if ending what was between her and Elvis was worth ending. But she was getting married in two months and maybe it was just the fear of breaking Dean's heart that made her weak to leave him. "I can't see you anymore, Elvis." she blurted out suddenly. Elvis's face dropped and he clenched the steering wheel tightly. "Please tell me we're not gonna do this again, Lana." he breathed calmly; almost too calmly. Lana felt hot tears washing over her vision as they corrupted her eyes. "I can't do it. I just can't, Elvis. Dean and I -" "Are never gonna work," Elvis spat over her, "I don't even know why ya stay with him after the way he treats you." A part of Lana surprisingly grew protective over Dean and their relationship. "Oh, and you're so perfect aren't you Elvis?!" she exclaimed, tears falling from her eyes, "You're such a perfect husband to your wife!" She spat her words harshly and with sarcasm and venom stinging his ears. Elvis stopped the car and turned to Lana quickly, anger boiling in his veins. "Dean sleeps with other women because he wants to have a little fun. I sleep with you because I'm in love with you," he admitted with a raised voice, "I would give up everything for you, Lana." His voice was now soft as he caressed her cheek, whipping away a tear, "Everything." Lana gently shooed away his hand and shook her head. There was only one way to make Elvis leave her alone. A lie. A lie that would rip him apart and make him frail. A fragile spot that would make him break into pieces and boil his blood. A lie... that would make him feel defeat. "Talk to me." he whispered as he scooted closer to the teary eyed beauty. She looked up into those crystal blue eyes that seemed to glow under the pale moon. And in that moment she let her lie slip, without a second thought, and without leaving herself in two. "I don't love you Elvis..." In his eyes were heartbreak. He sat back and took in her words like a snakes poison as it teared at his heart. "You're lying." he mumbled. But she shook her head and kept with it. "I'm not," she replied, "What we had was fun but -" "Fun?" he repeated with disbelief as he shot her a cold gaze. "That's all it was to you? A little bit of fun? Oh yeah, let's mess around with Elvis whose completely in love, just to have a little fun." Elvis smirked but it wasn't playful or of happiness; it was of anger and heartbreak; and disbelief that he let her mess with his head in such a way. "I should'a known." he said to himself out loud for her to hear. "Elvis... I'm sorry." Lana admitted, because truthfully, she was. He didn't respond; he couldn't. He was shocked that she was still so open to giving up on them before they could even really begin as something a little more than sex and sweet remarks. And all that time without her, he craved her so dearly, he wasn't ready to just walk away from her now. "Goodbye Elvis," she whispered and got out of the car. She couldn't bare to see him sad or hurt by her anymore. And as she began to walk away, Elvis jumped out of the car quickly; because he still wasn't ready to give up.

"Lana," he called to her before she could get too far. She turned around to him slowly, in her eyes were watery tears. Elvis gulped silently, and then let out a soft sigh. You could tell he was nervous by the way he held his hands to his hips and looked down at the pavement of the road. "I -" He trailed off, hesitantly. He knew he had to say something, he couldn't just let her go and try to live without her anymore. Elvis grew somewhat courage and looked up at Lana, who was crossing her arms as a cold breeze brushed by them both. Elvis threw his arms out wide. "I love you," he shot to the point, causing Lana's breath to get caught in her throat. "And I - I can't let you go." Slowly, his arms fell back down to his side. "I have tried so hard to pull myself away from you... But in the end, I'm in love with you. And I know now that I can't just pretend that there isn't anything there." She shook her head, and turned back around to walk away. The last thing she needed was to hear Elvis's pleading. "Lana, please," he begged. She turned back around and on her face was a sad expression. "Elvis, I -" "Just listen to me," he interrupted, pleadingly. She didn't say a word but sighed away a sob. "I know its wrong," he admitted, "I know I shouldn't be in love with you and want you so badly, but, baby, I am and I do. Lana, your the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing on my mind before I go to bed." "Your foolish," Lana sniffled. "If its foolish to be in love with you then I'm the biggest fool there is," he replied, seriously. He walked over to her, gently; their eyes never dropping a gaze. She nearly fainted as he held up his hand and caressed her cheek. Underneath the moonlight, they stood, glowing radiantly as a thick feel of romance filled the air. "When I left you at that house, I left behind my heart and everything I've ever known... You may be ready to walk away, but I will not let myself feel that regret of leavin' you behind again. And you can give me the 'we can't be together' speech all you want. I'm not goin' anywhere, darlin'." Murderously, Lana threw her arms around Elvis' neck and squeezed close to him. He deliberately, slid his hands up the sides of her, and carefully wrapped his arms around her. "Promise to stay and love me forever." Lana commanded in a whisper. "Only if you promise the same," Elvis promised. And Lana agreed to the promise. "I will, I will, I will." she cried, her voice faltering.

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