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Sorry its been a while since I last updated, life hasn't given me time.

Which leads to today's subject: time.

Some have it, some don't.
Yet no matter who you are, your life revolves around it.
Everyone has a limited amount of it, which makes us all similar.

I'd like to say the majority of us are afraid of time.
Whether it's your alarm clock, a business meeting in 10 minutes, or even death, we all have to deal with time.

You have exactly 4 hours 34 minutes of sleep.
You have 2 months to live.
You have to be there by 5:00 pm.

I wish we didn't have time sometimes.

Or more, i want more time.

I want it so badly right now.
I think we all do.

But I can't have it. Neither can you.
Our time is limited, we have no control.

People say natural disasters, bombs, and humans are the most deadly.

I say time is.

Wow this chapter was all over the place, I apologize haha.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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