Chapter X

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  • Dedicated to Fluff

Matt stood in utter shock as time slowed around him.

Kids were screaming as both sides grabbed their weapons and began to take aim. Rose ram up to Mark as a scarlet puddle formed around him, soaking through his jeans.

Kevin grinned as he brought his rifle back up to his face and began to fire more rounds.

Kids were running away, screaming. Others were firing bullet after bullet.

Matt saw three more kids go down on his side, and two go down on the other.

Matt brought his palms up, as a wall of rock grew up around the rich kids, forming a half dome.

Unfortunately, Kevin saw Matt bring his hands up, and scowled as the wall of earth blocked his line of sight.

Shots continued to be fired at the wall, but Matt had designed the wall being three feet thick.

Matt turned around two see shocked faces, with gaping mouths.

Murmuring spread like wildfire.



“Who is he?”

“Why did he help us?”

“How many more are there?”

Matt walked back over to Rose who was kneeling over Mark.

“I-I think he is dead. I can’t find his pulse,” said Rose looked up, with tears streaking across her face.

Matt leaned over and placed his ear on Mark’s steady chest. He sat there for a minute, waiting for some sort of miracle to happen; for life to flood back into Mark’s limp body, and for his chest to begin rising and falling again. But it never did.

Matt lifted his head too feel cold metal placed against the side of his head.

He looked up to see a boy, probably two years younger than him, standing tall, pointing the barrel of the gun at Matt’s head.

“Just because you’re on this side of the gate, doesn’t mean we welcome mutants.”

“I saved your guys’ lives.”

“You saved your own, we just happened to be at the right place in the right time.”

Matt, infuriated, spread his fingers out in an angered flash, as a hole opened up beneath the kid, swallowing him into the darkness.

The kid popped out of the darkness a few seconds later, on the other side of the gate.

The girl that had been trying to convince the crowd ran over and bent of a dead Mark.

Rose started consoling her by rubbed her back in a circular motion.

“Oh Sarah…” said Rose at a loss of words.

“He… he was my brother,” said the girl, Sarah, between breaks for sniffling.

“Rose we have to go, Kevin saw my face, and it’s only a matter of time before he shows up at the house.”

“Wha-What about us?” said Sarah looking up, wiping the tears away from her eyes.

“You’ll be safe for now, but I’ll be back later,” said Matt with a small smile.

Rose got up and wrapped her arms around Matt.

“Umm, what are you doing?” said Matt inching away from Rose.

“I’m holding on tight… to you know… travel underground.”

“We’re not going underground….”

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