Chapter XI

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  • Dedicated to Fluff

Kevin was feeling pretty accomplished of himself. He had killed the leader of those rich kids. Then that stupid kid, Matt turned out to be a freak, and stopped them.

        But that wasn’t the end of this, Kevin had decided that if Matt wanted to stop Kevin’s plans, so be it. Kevin would just burn his stupid house down.

        He had gotten to the house, but some sort of heat barrier had stopped them.

        Kevin has stopped when the first nerve in his arm felt the heat. He now had a reasonably sized scar from his elbow to his wrist.

        Then came the shadows. Whatever freak had been there the night they burned down Alex’s house, was at this house burning. They came, attacking at the kids, and pushing them back.

        Luckily, one of Kevin’s cronies had the bright idea of throwing bottles of Molotov at the house. This worked because the heat wave had no effect on the bottle. They aimed at the second story window, and soon enough someone yelled from inside.

        The shadows recalled themselves, and eventually someone tried taking another step towards the heat wave.

        It was gone!

        The massive horde flooded to the front door, hitting it with bats and shooting it down with any gun that was nearby.

        Then came the first of the screams.

        Everyone turned around, to see why the back row had been screaming.

        Off, toward the beginning of the block, was Matt, riding a tiger.

        Kevin couldn’t have been more confused.

        Why was Matt back?

        Where did he get a tiger?

        Where was his companion?

        Where did he get a tiger?

        How was he riding the tiger?

        Oh yeah, and WHERE DID HE GET A TIGER???   

The kids began to fire off at the tigress, but she just darted between the firings and kept at a decent pace.

        The kids couldn’t aim for shit. It wasn’t really their fault, they weren’t trained shoulders, and most of them hadn’t even tried firing a gun before.

        But you would think that with fifteen people holding guns, that one of them would miraculously hit their target.

        Matt kept advancing, until he leaped off of the tiger, running with palms up.

        The tiger in the mean while, turned into a hawk. Its paws shrunk down to small talons, its fur turned a splotchy brown and was replaced with feathers. A sharp beak formed were the snout had been a second ago. The hawk took off soaring into the air.

        A wall of air, coming from Matt’s direction, hit Kevin and the rest of the kids, causing them to fall over, tangling up into each other.

        Matt placed his palms downward, as a column of earth erupted from underneath him, sending him skyward.

        It didn’t send him high, but between the height and the force, Matt soared above the tangled kids.

        He now had his back against his front door as he raised his palms upward. A wall of rock, just like the one at the rich kids’ house came up wards in front of Matt.

       The hawk creature that the tiger had become, landed on Matt’s shoulder, perching regally.

        Matt disappeared from sight behind the wall of earth and stone, but the wall continued to rise.

        Eventually it met up at the top of the house, forming some sort of dome around the house.

        Kevin, now untangled from the mess of kids, got up and started firing his rifle at the wall.

        It was useless, the bullets would sink themselves into the wall, but the wall was too thick.

         Kevin was locked out, and Matt was locked in.


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