Carnival Corpse

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*Ganta pov*

I stepped out of my cage, facing my sister, Maria. Her face was blank, but her eyes spoke of sadness. I didn't want to fight my sister...she's the only family I have left... I don't think that she wanted to hurt me either, but we had no choice... In this damn place, its kill or be killed. Maria is one of the only reasons that Im still alive. The other Deadmen are petrified of her, since she could easily dismember someone with a flick of her wrist; and she wouldn't feel a thing.

"Ganta." her voice was remorseful, just like her eyes. "Whatever happens here..Im sorry.." "Its not your fault, sis.." I replied. "We were chosen to do this..I have no hard feelings against you. Best of luck." She smiled a little. "You too, bud." She used the rings that Senji gave her and cut into her knuckles, making her Eagle Talons appear. I bit my fingers, making my own sin appear.

Then, we charged at each other.


Maria fell to her knees, out of breath, and her sin retracted. She was exhausted, and covered in wounds. She had cut me a few times, but they weren't anything serious. "Cardinal is down! Woodpecker wins!" shrieked the announcer, and the audience applauded me.

The medics came over, treated me, and strapped my sister to a stretcher. Before they took her away, I said, "Maria!" "Mm..? Whats up kiddo..?" she sounded tired. I got up and grabbed her hand, tearing up. "Im sorry..!" She just smiled at me. "One of us had to loose..I chose to loose to protect you.." My eyes widened, remembering what came next for those who lost. "No! No no no! I won't let them!" I shrieked, as tears poured down my face. "Don't worry about me kiddo..I'll be fine.." she laughed. "Come one, don't start acting like a pussy.. Be a man." I wiped my eyes on the back of my hand. "O-ok.." "Good.. Love you little man..I'll see you in a bit.." The medics took her away before I could reply. Biting my lip, and willing myself not to cry; I was going to be a man.

Once back in my cell, I watched my sister on the "Too Bad for the Looser" show. She was allowed to pick her punishment, but couldn't decide quick enough. That made the nurse strap her down, and a loud buzz filled the air. Maria went completely rigid, screaming wildly. I knew what they were doing to her. Electrocution. I couldn't watch. Covering my eyes, I hid my face. "You bitch!! You'll pay for this!!" Maria screamed at the nurse, nearly tearing through her restraints, while the men attpemted to knock her out. I couldn't stop crying. They were doing this to her because of me! She said she purposely lost to protect me! Getting to my feet unsteadily, I ran to the infirmary, and thrust the doors open. "Maria!!"

She was unconscious in her bed, looking paler than ever. She hand an I.V. attached to her wrist, and a heartbeat monitor going. Thankfully, her heart was still beating..

I dropped to my knees in front of her bed, holding her cold hand in both of mine. "Maria..I-Im so sorry..! Im sorry that this happened to you..! Its all m-my fault..!" I don't know how long I was there for, just holding her hand and bawling my eyes out; but the next thing I knew, Maria squeezed my hand back. Looking up in shock, I saw Maria smiling at me. Though her eyes were dull, she smiled like she always did.

"Hey kiddo.." she laughed. "Told you not to worry about me..Im alright.." I broke down. Throwing my arms around her neck, I sobbed uncontrollably. I was inconsolable with guilt that my own sister nearly died trying to protect me... But Maria wasn't mad at me for crying. She just hugged me back, petting my hair, and telling me that everything was ok. She told me that she loved me, and kissed the top of my head; squeezing me tight in her form of comfort.

How was she able to forgive me so easily..? After all I did to her..? Not just here, but as kids, in and out of school, for all the trouble I caused her? For all the arguments we had..? For all the fights we had..? She always forgave me in the end...

She's the best sister in the whole world...and it took me to almost loosing her order to realise that... But, like she always does, she forgave me for it..

I love her so much...

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