Day 6

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It's been a day and Kyungsoo still hadn't woken up and this worried Jongin.

Jongin felt guilty. If it weren't for him Kyungsoo wouldn't have been in this state.If only he didn't shout at him.He wouldn't have run off. If he'd only told him.

That he liked him.

Jongin hadn't left Kyungsoo's side. He'd barely even slept and it worried the members a lot.

Suho, being in all of Jongin's helped by giving him notes on what they were currently learning so he wouldn't miss out on his education and Chen brought food for everyone.


- A few hours later-

It was just Kyungsoo and Jongin in the room. The rest of the members left to go school.

Jongin was fast asleep too tired to stay awake any longer. That's when...

Kyungsoo started to wake up.


"Ugh, where am I?" Kyungsoo said looking at his surroundings. That when he noticed the other boys presence.

Just looking at him made Kyungsoo mad and upset again. He wanted to just Push Jongin

But he wanted to know

He wanted to know why Jongin was mad about a stupid letter and why Jongin embarrassed him in front of so many people. Was he jealous?

Kyungsoo was about to get up when Jongin suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Don't go...I'm sorry..." Jongin mumbled...

And started snoring again making Kyungsoo roll his eyes.

Kyungsoo tried to move Jongin's hand slowly.

Only to wake up Jongin

"Baekhyun? I already told you I'm not leaving Kyungsoo..." Jongin mumbled eyes still closed. Kyungsoo didn't know why but what Jongin said made his heart skip a beat.

"Why are you so quiet? Your never this quiet.." Jongin mumbled to himself and opened his eyes. 

His eyes grew wide after realizing what woke him up.

"K-Kyungsoo?!" Jongin stuttered not knowing what else to say.

"Hi," Kyungsoo said giving Jongin a small smile.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean for you to run away it was my fault so I understand if you won't talk to me ever again. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please!" Jongin Blurted out.

Kyungsoo chuckled a bit seeing Jongin's face.

It looked Ugly.

"Fine, I forgive you. But why were you so pissed about that letter." Kyungsoo asked curiously wondering if he was right.

"Umm..." Jongin in said avoiding eye contact.

"Ugh fine! I like you Do Kyungsoo" Jongin said and covered his, now bright red face.

It was silent for a while

"Does he not like me? What if he doesn't accept my feelings?!" Jongin thought regretting what he had just said.

" do you accept my feelings?" Jongin asked.Slowly looking up at the older boy for an answer.

He nodded."Yes, I accept your feelings" Kyungsoo answered giving Jongin his infamous heart-shaped smile.

"Yes, I accept your feelings" Kyungsoo answered giving Jongin his infamous heart-shaped smile

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"Oh...-Wait What?! You... You like me back?!" Jongin in exclaimed. A huge smile spread across his face."So..You'll be my boyfriend?" He asked.

Kyungsoo nodded.

"I'll be your boyfriend."

"Lets Play A Game" - A KaiSoo FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now