Birdie's Eye View

18 3 2

This one took a long time...

    If you want to recreate this photo, you will need a racquet, birdie, camera, and possibly a tripod, bright lens, and friend

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If you want to recreate this photo, you will need a racquet, birdie, camera, and possibly a tripod, bright lens, and friend. This takes a long time because the birdie must be in the exact place the camera can capture it in focus.
The most important thing to set is the shutter speed, because the birdie will have motion blur if the shutter is anything less than about 1/300. Next comes the aperture and ISO. The aperture should be as small as possible so as to give the best chance of catching the birdie in focus. The ISO should be as low as possible, but I had to raise it because I needed more room to move with the shutter speed. A bright lens helps because it lets in more light, but they usually have a wider aperture, which makes it harder to catch the birdie in focus, because the depth of field is so small. Good luck!

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