2p Canada Headcanons

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Name: matthieu Williams (Matt)

> 6'3'' 

>Also got them muscles 

^scars on his chest/stomach (most likely from first meeting Kuma)

>Lives in a cabin up north 

^Doesn't really leave unless he needs to stock up on food or other necessities

>Pretty patient just don't cross the line with him or he'll snap at you

> Poachers beware

^Seriously, if you hurt or kill animals for sport  r u n

>Pretty awkward and quiet at first but will open up to you after awhile 

> Not really big on pda in public 

^will hold/ cuddle you at home though

> Hope you don't mind getting tickled by his face scruff when he kisses you

>Pretty okay cook

^He'll make you all the pancakes you want tho

> boi has insomnia 

^sometimes has grumpy mornings 

> Doesn't get jealous easily but will not appreciate someone flirting with his s/o

> Depending on his mood his kisses are either rough, soft, or lazy/sloppy 


Canada done next will be 2p England


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