Iron adventures 11

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With two of their members now orphans, the iron avengers have continued their quest to fulfill their destinies, while remaining ignorant of the bigger fight that Jeremy and Casey are destined for. We join our heroes as they continue training with mace windu.

    Weapons were flying around like crazy, Jeremy, Casey, Michael, Jack, destiny, Marshall, Pete, and Joseph have perfected the use of the force on their weapons.
"Your training is coming along nicely, how about we all take a nice lunch break." They headed to the temple cafeteria. "Jeremy, Casey,  would you please come with me?" Mace, Jeremy, and Casey went to the Jedi archives. "We've noticed that you are learning at a more accelerated rate then the others, so we thought it was time you learned about what true power lies within you." "You've lost us." "There is another prophecy that concerns the two of you only, and so far, everything that happened to you two went along with it." "You mean Casey being kidnapped at birth and us being separated for 16 years was all part of a prophecy?!" "Yes." "Moving on, a lot of it is still mysterious, but we believe that the strong bond between you play a very crucial role in activating this power." "Whoa." "I'm sure that in time, your true power will be ready to be unlocked, just have patience, and trust in one another." They headed back to the training field with the rest. "Ok, your half way to reaching your full potential. Now we'll work on unlocking the power your weapons hold, remember, part of reaching your own true potential, is understanding your weapons' potential, when it is tuned with the focused heart, its secrets can be unlocked." "So are you saying that our weapons turn into vehicles?" "That's something your going to have to learn on your own." There was a small silence. "Ok, we'll pick This up the day after tomorrow, dismissed." They went back to their cruiser. "It sure is nice to have our birthday to ourselves." "Yeah, I love training, but it's nice to have fun every once and awhile." "Yep." "So, why did you guys not come to the cafeteria today?" "Mace wanted to talk to us about something." "What?" "Promise, you guys won't get too jealous?" "Promise." "Ok, apparently, Casey and I are part of another prophecy that appears to be bigger then the prophecy that concerns all of us." "And mace said that we had hidden powers within us." "Whoa, what powers?" "Only time will tell." "Oh, okay." "But I can promise you that what ever it is, it is going to be awesome." "It better be if the prophecy refers to a bigger threat."

    They came out of hyperspace into the atmosphere of naboo. "Jarvis, open the main hanger doors please." The hanger doors opened and they noticed that something was on the wall in the back of the hanger. "Jarvis, did you do something while we were gone?" "I added a little security system to keep out unwanted guests." "As long as it does what it's supposed to, fire it up." "Aya, sir." The security system fired up. "Well, should we get to bed?" "Yep." Gotta get a good night sleep to be ready for the birthday fun planed for Casey and Jeremy." "Good night guys." "Good night." They went to their rooms and went to sleep.

Our heroes have finally mastered using the force on their weapons. Now, they just need to master using the force within their weapons. And what are the ramifications of the other prophecy? Stay tuned, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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