Iron adventures 24

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Having reached full strength, our heroes now resume their base hopping strategy. But little do they know, that somewhere else, someone is plotting to DESTROY the universe.

    There was a staff that contained an energy crystal, capable of powering anything and everything. The sound of a missile filled the room. "We are under attack. This is not a drill, repeat, we are under attack!" And under attack they were, by none other then the iron avengers. "The staff must be here!" Jack called out as he was fighting hydra grunts. "Hox wouldn't be able to mount this defense without it!" "Copy that Jack, Pete? Try to gain access into the castle!" "I'm moving in!" He blasted toward the castle. He was seconds from smashing through the wall when he was hit back by a shield. "Screw it! They've put up a shield!" "Jarvis, find a power source for that shield and send its location to Pete." "In the northern tower." "Got that Pete?" "Copy." "Sir, the city is taking fire." "Obviously hox isn't going to care about civilian casualties. Send in the iron legion." The iron legion rocketed toward the city. "We're here to help, please back away, this quadrant is unsafe." "The drawbridge is down people, we're clear to move in." "You're advancing without helping the only two girls on the team?" "Sorry Casey." "Go help Casey, I'll get the staff." "Copy that." Jeremy ran over to Casey's location, where she and destiny were fighting with a bunker. Jeremy came up behind the bunker, gained access inside, and discontinued its firing. "Thanks Jeremy." "Now, let's get back to work." Jeremy and the others rushed to the castle to make sure hox didn't escape.

    An hour later, they were on the iron cruiser heading home. "At least now, hydra won't be any more of a threat, they are pretty much dead." "Indeed, I can remember the urgency of padmé's voice." Flashback to a day ago. The iron avengers were meting with padmé. "This is it guys, the last base to capture. Our sources say that the dark brotherhood has split from hydra and established a main base, though we're not sure where yet." "Right now, let's focus on getting hydra out of the picture." "In this base, they have something called the staff of power, able to power anything it hits." "Have you been searching for it?" "Ever since it was stolen from our vault complex." "We will bring it back." "Thank you." "I wonder why it was in a vault rather then powering a building or something." "Probably because it turned dangerous." "Probably." "Are you going to plan a party for this week." "This is a reason to celebrate." "maybe we should try to decorate the palace for Christmas." "We could have a Christmas party/victory party." "Two parties rolled into one, nice thinking."

    "I will see to it that it is put back where it belongs, thank you." "No problem, by the way, do you have any plans this weekend?" "No, why?" "Because we're having a little party to celebrate hydra's defeat." "Well you can bet I'll be there." "Look forward to it."

    Somewhere in the opposite side of the Galaxy. "Sir, they have the staff of power." A shady figure swung around his chair. "That staff is the final component needed for the Galaxykiller." "The weapon could potentially be dangerous." "It doesn't matter." "Sir."

    At the palace, Jarvis and Jeremy were hard at work. "Sir, might I remind you that the party is this Saturday and we have no decorations here whatsoever." "Well that is why you are going to scan for decorations in this palace, and if there are none here, we're going to coruscant." "Scanning now sir." A few seconds later. "Sir the previous owners of this palace seemed to be very thorough." "Fine, set course for coruscant." "Copy," "hey Jeremy, need any help with the decorations?" "Just about to go get them, wanna come Casey?" "Sure."

Hydra is down and the dark brotherhood stands alone. But who is plotting to destroy the universe? Stay tuned for the answer, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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