• Fluffy lazy days - Minishaw & Vobi

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Harry likes to cuddle with Simon so he fools him into thinking his flats heating is terrible so they can snuggle up on the couch.

Harry's flat was always bloody freezing, almost to the point to where I think he deliberately sets it low when I visit.

'Probably' I think dreamily falling away into a deep sleep. A few moments later I am dragged half out of my dreams by fingers pulling at my dyed locks, I could feel them being contorted and twisted. Harry must have become bored of the old "Friends" episode we were watching.

I pulled the duvet tighter around me and turned slightly away from him.

"Simon minter if you don't give me the covers back - I will put my freezing cold feet on you" He said matter of factly in my ear.

I jumped up when I felt a icy cold presence on my lower leg.

"BOG THE F#CK!" "told you."

Harry pulled the comforter over both of our heads and cuddled me close, His face smuggled between my neck and my shoulder and I placed a his on top of his bedhead. "Want to go for a nap?"

"Yeah but don't move you're warm"


Vik is wearing his ugly, grampa slippers and cooking a fry up breakfast in the kitchen - his boyfriend Tobi had been inticed into drinking with Ethan and Callum last night and was trying to sleep off the aftermath.

The smell of burnt bacon brings me back to attention as I slip out of my thoughts. I bussied myself preparing for my sleeping beauty to wake up.

I boiled the kettle for my self and him,
'tea with milk and two sugars' for him and coffee with milk for me. I placed Tobi's breakfast on a tray and climbed the stairs towards my- our room. He had moved in last month and I still forget some times.

The long stairs are trecherous with hot drinks with my natrual clumsiness and the curling staircase not being exactly compatible. I toddled past Simon's room hearing loud snores from his room - he didn't get up until ten usually. Same goes for Josh really.

As I reached our door I listened hearing a groan and a grumble from a certain Mr Lerone. I lightly tapped my knuckles against the door before entering.

"Morning sunshine" He smiled up at me from the bed his voice rough and groggy. He was shirtless and propped up on his elbows looking a bit worse for wear.

"Breakfast?" He just smiled a uttered a quick thank you. Happily tucking into the meal taken breaks to ask me about things.

"Thank you for taking care of me Vikky" he said drinking his tea.

"Any time" I smiled kissing his cheek

A/n hey I think it was cute. Feedback is appreciated also recommend ships and aus- you never know I may use them in the future x - Cassius xo

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