Its A Date

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We both went inside our hotel rooms I couldn't help but fan girl it was such an experience Chelsea and I jumped on the beds and screamed with excitement. We realized how loud we were so we calmed down. Just as soon as we fixed our hotel back to perfection there was a knock on the door I felt my heart drop. I slowly walked towards the door to open it

Kendrick's POV

I met some fans earlier in the lobby, one of them was so beautiful. What was her name again...Alicia I believe it was. I'll never forget that face brown eyes, big black curly hair, big lips, and short. I when I found out our rooms were across from each other I was relieved, I was scared I wouldn't see her again. I thought about her for at least half an hour then I had an idea to go see them. I hesitantly knocked on there door quickly pulling back.

Alicia: ( Opens Door and Gasps) Omg... Hi

Kendrick: Hi I was wondering after the show uhh ( scratches the back of his head )... would you like to umm go out tonight... with me... after the show.

Alicia: Yes of course where should I meet you

Kendrick: ( hands her backstage passes) come back stage and meet me by the dressing room.

Alicia: ( widens eyes) Omg thank you so so much this means a lot... if you wanna come in you can

Kendrick: umm I'm ok I have to get back to the hotel unpack and stuff maybe another time.

Alicia: I understand so do we right Chelsea

Chelsea: yeah ( yells over the TV )

Alicia: thanks for stopping by have fun unpacking

Kendrick: I'll try( waves good bye )

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