(01) the pyramid

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he had nowhere to go on this friday night. no one to hold. he was bored and lonely. so fucking lonely. he drove through ladera heights, searching for something. something to do. something to see. somebody to be around. his eyes caught the shine of the pretty neon sign.

"the pyramid." he muttered to himself, reading the pink sign with squinted eyes.

curiosity struck as he hit the blinkers of his car which was on its last leg, but just kept pushing. he turned the wheel and pulled into the busy parking lot. he took the first parking spot he saw and took the keys out the ignition. he looked around the lot, smoke and the smell of weed flowing around the air and men and women walking through the lot, ready to start their night. he peaked down at his watch. it was already midnight, he had already been driving around for almost two hours, smoking, listening to music, and having his own pity party.

he stared up at the building, in the shape of a pyramid, resembling the louvre, but lit up in pink and just as beautiful. he fumbled around, searching for his wallet, as he stared up struck by the building. he finally found his wallet without looking and got out the car. he head towards the entrance, stumbling a bit on his own two feet. walking past a trio of women outside smoking and talking to each other, he couldn't help, but look them up and down, dressed in gemmed up bras and panties with silky robes thrown over and tied loosely at the waist. something so captivating about them as he walked by, holding his look as far as he could. one in all pink winked at him as she caught his wandering eyes.

he finally looked away as he shoved his keys and wallet into the front pocket of his hoodie. he approached the entrance and a tall dark man stood there eyeing him from the time he walked past the group of women.

"i.d." he demanded immediately.

he pulled his wallet out, fumbling around a bit before finally getting his license out and passing it to the bouncer.

"timothée, huh?" the bouncer asked, his eyes bouncing from the card to the young guy's face.


"all set." he passed the card back to him and stepped aside and pushed the door open.

timothée thanked him as he stepped inside into a hallway lit in pink lights with a fluffy white carpet beneath his feet. the music practically downed out any thought he could have as the bass bumped through him. the place was practically soundproof from the outside.

another bouncer stood at the end of the short hallway, standing beside an atm. he walked down the hallway and rounded the corner. before him was a low lit club with a stage center of the place. comfortable seats surrounded, all filled with a somebody. looking up, there was the second and third floor that overlooked the stage with rooms along the walls, curtains drawing the doorways. beautiful women dressed in sexy lingerie, walked around to wait on drinks, dance and tease the men and women around.

he walked towards the stage, getting a closer look as woman with long black hair and a lingerie made of gold chains, her nipples just barely peaking through the chains as she twirled around the pole. almost enchanted by her, he found the closest seat he could find. the seat so comfortable, pulling him in even further. everyone who watched her was practically hypnotized by her. timothée couldn't tell if he had smoked too much or she was just really that captivating. it was almost scary how she had these people poured themselves into her and cheered and drooled over her.

drool may have been falling from his mouth as he watched her climb the pole. he could barely bring himself to look away other than to pull out some ones sitting in his wallet and slide it onto the stage.

she twirled down the pole before coming down and walking in timothée's direction. he leaned back in his seat, looking up at her as she unlatched her bra and let it fall off her seductively off her her soft, brown body as she looked him in his eyes. sex appeal oozed off of her as she moved her hips to the music. she leaned over and took the money from timothée that he outstretched to her. she blew him a kiss before walking away and continuing her routine.

the song finished and she sauntered off the stage, hips swaying side to side as she disappeared beyond the curtain. timothée finally snapped out of it and got up, heading to the bar in need of drink after that. he hadn't been captivated and hypnotized by a woman like that in his life.

"fuck," he sighed as he dragged his hand across his face. he pulled his wart out as he approached the bar. "shit," he had spent all his cash on the girl with the black hair and he already knew his debit card wouldn't have enough for an overpriced drink here until his next check.

he hurried to the exit, but stopped in the hallway, really hesitating if he wanted to leave or not, but those fifteen minutes felt like hours. he sighed knowing it'd be best to leave now.


THE PYRAMID ─ T. CHALAMET (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now