Another new sans :3

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Shine: ok, guy. Another sans is going to be here any minute now, and I want you to welcome him.
Blue: ok!
Dream: sure!
Ink: alright!
Error: it better not be lust...
Fell: yeah...
Science: u-um...yeah..
Fresh: I wonder who are new funky bro is gonna be!
Cross and CC: don't care.
Geno: please don't let it be-
???: (knocks on the door)
Shine: that would be him!
Shine: (opens the door)
Reaper: hello~
Geno: god damnit!
Shine: hi, mister Reaper.
Reaper: hey, Shine. (Sees Geno) hello Geno~
Geno: f**k this, I'm out! (Leaves)
Shine: well, that's all.
Shine and Blue: BYE!
Everyone else: Bye!

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