Chapter 1: Confession

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"Good morning class!" Miss Kim practically yelled. She would always do that to catch the

classes attention. "So, we're going to be starting a new project!" she said with excitement. The whole class groaned and she looked a bit sad. Nonetheless, she continued, "You are going to have to write a ten-page report about a war movie of your choice. Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung are going to be working together, Min Yoongi, Ji-eun, Jimin and Jungkook are going to be working together..." Suga woke up with a confused expression on his face. He suddenly screamed into the classroom. "What? Me? Where? Why? No!" "Mr. Min! Please report back to your seat and refrain from sleeping in my class! I'm sure your group members are going to explain to you what we are doing." Ms. Kim said sternly. You were all already sitting at your table, except for Jungkook,he was flirting with someone again. Although you were jealous, you never showed it. You and, Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, V, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon have been childhood friends. It would be weird to tell one of your friends you liked them. Especially Jungkook. You two were very close friends and he would come to discuss his girl problems with you. Although you were jealous each time he flirted with someone, you simply got used to the daily pain. "Ya! Come over Kookie!" You exclaimed. He listened to you and came. "So Ji-eun, I really like Jisoo. What should I do?" he asked. Although he were jealous, you still told him what to do so he would be happy. "Just tell her." you sighed.

Jimin's POV:

You were staring at Ji-Eun while she was talking to Jungkook. Right before she turned, Yoongi nudged you slightly, in the hope that she wouldn't notice you. You understood his signal and looked at the floor. Yoongi is the only one who new about your feeling for Ji-eun. How could Jungkook possibly not see the amazing features about Ji-eun? How could he just ask her about other girls, when the prettiest was right in front of him? Without noticing, you looked back up at her and started examining her face. You didn't notice that she saw you looking at you. You didn't even take Yoongi's nudges into recognition.

Ji-eun's POV:

"Hehe, stop looking at me." You said nervously to Jimin. When you think about it, he has been acting kinda weird around you lately. Nevertheless, you didn't let that bother you. Today you were going to confess to Jungkook. But the only problem was, you didn't how to. You waited to the class to finish and didn't pay much attention to what was happening around you.

---------- Time skip to lunch-----------

As you came out of your last session before lunch, you grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him out of the classroom.

Jimin's POV:

You felt Ji-eun's hand grab your wrist and pull you out of the classroom. Your heart started beating like crazy, but you didn't want her to know about it. "So Jimin, I need your help. I know I haven't told you yet, but I like Jungkook. I'm planning on confessing to him right now. Can you help me? I don't have any ideas, but I want it to be special." Ji-eun said. Your heart sank to your shoes. You should have known you didn't have a chance with her. Without answering, you walked away to the lunch line.

Ji-eun's POV:

What was that? Jimin never acts like that. Walking away? That's so not like him. Maybe he just didn't have any ideas? I know I should help him, but right now Jungkook is too important. You didn't even bother going to the lunch line, but ran straight to Jungkook. You were too excited to tell him, but nervous at the same time. As he saw you running, he open his arms for a hug. Instead of running into his arms like you usually do, you stopped right before him. HE gave a confused look. Right now you couldn't care less. "Jungkook", you just went for it, but stopped thinking about how you would saw it since Jimin didn't give you any advice. He raised his brows, waiting for you to continue. "um... I need to tell you something" 'Wait... am I sweating?' Now Jungkook looked at you worried, probably because you were sweating. Can't you do this normally? He wouldn't find it weird, would he? I mean he gets these confessions almost every day. But from me? What if he says no? What should I do then? What if he says no and it ruins our friendship? What is he says yes and I faint? You were now sweating even more and you felt like you were going to faint. "umm Jungkook, I like you." Right after you said it, you regretted it immediately. You see his facial expression change completely. His eyes resembled the mix of confusion and pain. You knew exactly what was going to come next. His expression told it all. You turned your eyes to see the other boys staring at you with disbelief. You didn't even want to see what Jimin looked like and focus your eyes back at Jungkook, who says "I'm sorry, I can't" Tears started streaming uncontrollably down your face. Something told you that this would happen. He was the most popular boy in school and your best friend since like forever. If he would've liked you back, he would have told you a long time ago and he wouldn't discuss his girl problems with you. The whole cafeteria was now looking at you, since you were making a lot of sobbing noises. Some of the girls snickered, probably knowing what just happened. The stares follow your every movement and it feels like are all of your senses are heightened. You can't handle it anymore and you run away to the lavatory. You can hear Jungkook's steps follow you and as he arrives to the girls bathroom you push him away and tell him to disappear. You can see the hurt in his eyes, but it was his fault. He just shattered your heart into pieces.'He doesn't deserve me as a best friend, does he? Or do I just not deserve him?' You look at this girl with red puffy eyes and a red nose in the mirror. After a few seconds you recognise that to be yourself. Suddenly you feel this pit in your stomach, as if you know exactly why he doesn't like you back. 'You are ugly and not skinny! Look at Jisoo, she is beautiful and hundred times skinnier than you stupid! You are ugly, stupid and too fat for Jungkook!!!' You have never been thick or overweight, but you aren't skinny either. Jisoo is a lot skinny than you. Your mission was clear: you have to lose weight, you are too fat. The faster you lose weight the better. Then Jungkook might like you.  

A/N: So, how is it so far? This is my first time publishing something and I really hope that you do check it out. Please tell me what I could do better and what you like! Luv u all!

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