Chapter 2: Why did you do this?

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Jungkooks POV:

It's been a week and none of us boys have heard of Ji-eun. Jimin has been ignoring me. I know that he loves Ji-eun, but I just don't think of her like that. She is my best friend, period. That is how far our relationship will ever go, I hope. I don't understand, how come she has been giving me so much helpful girl advice, if she liked me all along? I feel horrible. But what am I supposed to do? Because of Ji-eun's great advice, I am now officially together with Jisoo! Something's bothering me though. I think it's Ji-eun. I have even tried coming to her house, but she won't answer the door. Something tells me that Jimin has been more determined to see her the stare that he gives I have. It's the shivers that go down my spine when his eyes pierce mine. I don't know what to do. Why do I keep on thinking about her? I'm together with Jisoo. Get her out of your damn head Jungkook! I mindlessly punched something right next to me, not caring what is was. Then the pain started to hit in and I heard a crash. Looking on to the floor I saw a broken locker door. Shit! I just ran for it. Who knew what the teachers would make me do? Hopefully not cleaning the toilets like time. It was super disgusting! Not knowing where to run, I decided to stop by at Ji-eun's. Maybe she'll awnser this time? I doubt it, but it's worth a try.

I was nearly there when I saw her. Why is she so skinny? Is this my fault? Jungkook you are so stupid! Look what you did! Taking my eyes off her, I looked at the guy who was talking to her, it was Jimin and he caught me watching...

Jimin's POV:

Why is Ji-eun not answering the door or her phone?!! She's been gone for almost a week now. I can't think about anything except for her! Why do I like her so much? She doesn't even like me! Wait, I can't think about myself in this situation. Who knows what she is doing to herself right this moment? We, or at least I know that she is probably in depression right now. How could Jungkook have done that to her? I'm gonna kill him if anything happened to her. I don't care about that he is my best friend, Ji-eun is more important! I have been stopping at her two times a day or more. Not one day has passed without me calling her more than 20 times. Well, right now is the time to go her house. I will go to the shop though first. I need ramen! Who has time to cook? Especially know that Ji-eun is in danger.

~~~~~~At the shop~~~~~

I'm at the water section and I see this super skinny girl. Poor her, I bet she has an eating disorder. She turns around with about 5 water bottles. I can't see her face because of her cap. Suddenly all of the water bottles scatter on the floor and help her pick up the bottles. And then... I see Ji-eun's face with deep eye bags and no squeezable cheeks. She looks at me with terror in her eyes and scared scattered all over her face. She tries running away, but the lack of nutrition has left her really weak so that I could catch up with her super easily. Grabbing her wrist, I notice how thin her wrist has become and how she slips out of my grip because it wasn't strong enough while I was still confused why it was so thin. She turned to me, knowing that there was no since in point in running since I was going to catch up with her anyways. I stare deeply into her eyes and she does the same. There were so many questions going threw my head, but only this one managed to escape my mouth, "Why?" I felt her head fall on my chest. She cried for nearly three minutes, not knowing that with every sob my heart pounded harder and harder. After she stopped crying, she gestured to the bottles, apparently wanting me to pick them up, but I didn't budge. "If you want to buy the water, you at least have to buy something to eat." I commented. She sighed in annoyment. I saw her bend down to the floor, but before she could get the bottles I snatched them from the floor. "If you went buy me the bottles and you don't want me buy the bottles, then what to you want?" Although her voice was laced with annoyance and a tiny bit of anger, her voice was music to my ears. I hadn't heard that angelic voice for about a week. Still in awe of her voice, she used the moment to snatch the bottles away from me. "You won't be leaving until you at least get two packs of instant ramen. That's all I'm asking for. Pease!!!", I pleaded. "But I'm not hungry! Even if I buy them I won't eat them and you know that." I looked into her eyes, not making puppy eyes, but being concerned and dead serious. Something changed her mind and she sighed. "Fine, but you're paying." I squealed in excitement as she went to go get the instant ramen.

After paying I decided to walk her to her house. About a block from her house I stopped her. "We need to talk." She looked at me in confusion. "Can't this wait till we're at the house?"she complained. I was about to agree before I saw Jungkook stop a safe distance away from us. I know I shouldn't do this, but he has to at least feel a little bit of pain for what he did, and why would he even feel pain? It's not like he likes her, is it? I need to claim my property. "Please explain why you did this."...

A/N: I hope you guys are liking it so far!!! : )

Trying to be perfect for him. But for who really?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant