This Building is Freaky

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Holding my breath, I slowly step back, keeping my eyes on the feasting form. I see blood splatters on the wall, ground... I smell iron. It feels like I'm drowning in the smell of blood, iron, metal. I take another slow step back, praying to whatever is up there that this ghoul doesn't see me.

Don't see me...

Don't see me...

It's head is lifting?


I'm around the corner. I'm safe... maybe. Did it see me? Hear me? Smell me? Sense me? Will it come to look are the corner to see me shivering there, wide eyes, chattering teeth and frozen in terror? No, no! I continue to walk backwards, feeling at the wall.

An indent, I glance to my right. It's a door.

I swing it open, it's quiet, no creaking. But isn't this an old building? I shake my head, that's a useless question at this very moment.

I throw myself through the door, shutting it behind me.

Wait, what if that wasn't the only ghoul in here?

What if there are more?

My eyes widen slightly as I turn about, wildly glancing around the room, terrified that I may not be alone.

I'm alone.

I sigh with relief, sinking to the ground and leaning against the door. Hopefully the ghoul won't walk down the hall and decide to open all the doors. I don't want to be found, I don't want to be eaten!

I clutch at my head, my breath feels short, I'm terrified. I'm drowning in my fear, I'm surrounded, I can't breath! I can't fucking breathe!

I smack myself, calm down, calm down. Panicking won't solve anything.

Taking a deep breath, I shift and press my ear to the door, listening.

Drip, drip drip

Shhhhhqq shhhhqq shhhhqq

Brrrrsssshhhhh brrrrssssshhhhh






I freeze, staring at the door, is he out there? Listening for me? Can he smell me? Dammit! I should've researched Ghouls more! Do they have a good sense of smell? What about hearing? Or can they just sense people?

God fucking dammit!

I stand up and slowly back away from the door. I glance around the room, maybe there's a pipe or... or a knife! Wait, what if Ghouls aren't harmed by blades or weapons in general? What if they're immune? Fuck it!

I fine a broken pipe on the ground and snatch it up, meekly holding it in a barely defensive stance. To bad I never took any martial arts, that training would've been hella useful right now.

The door handle twists.

It stops.

The door slowly opens...

A tall person stands in the entrance to the room, I'm trapped.

His eyes seem to glow red, the blood splattered all over his face and clothing and hair and skin, bright and visible. I feel like I'm trembling, I feel meek. Just a weak little human who could never stand against anything, just holding up an idea in her head telling her, "You're strong, you can do this!"

The idea is gone now. I will die.


What would happen if I talked? If I used my words as a shield rather than my fists and this weak little pike? I throw down my 'weapon'. I doubt it would cause any damage.

My throat is clenched, it feels like I'll never be able to say anything.

I cough.

He steps forwards, grinning.

I open my mouth.

He looks like he's ready to leap, his kagune appearing like wings, a fallen angel... no, shut up brain.


~Hiii, this chapter is even shorter than the last. I'm ashamed. Oh well, hope you enjoyed it anyways!~

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