Who do You Think You Are?

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Hey, how's it going? My name is Zoey, but you can just call me Z. Everyone does.

I know that introduction posts are usually the worst posts, so I will try to keep it short and only tell you the basics about me.

I'm in my mid twenties and I've lived a fairly normal life... Well normal as far as I know, but what can I compare it to when this is the only life that I've known? I'm sure that most of you would think my life is normal...

I have two older brothers. One that I am very close with and one whom I speak with on occasion. We were raised by our amazing mother who gave us the best life that she could on her own working as an LVN.

My "father" (and I use that term loosely) abandoned me shortly after I was born simply because I was a female... because apparently that means I wasn't his kid. Whatever. I'm better off without him in SO many ways.

Let's see... I graduated high school and went off to college in the same year that my mother was diagnosed with C.O.P.D. from twenty five years of smoking cigarettes. As you can imagine that put a lot of stress on me and I wound up flunking out of University. However, I try not to give up on my dreams and enrolled in a community college closer to home so that I could take care of my mom and work. I worked as a cell phone repair technician. I worked anywhere between forty and sixty hours a week.

Things took a turn for the worse three years later when my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. I nearly failed out of school again and quit my job, but as I said before, I don't like to give up. I got a part time job and focused on taking care of my mom and graduating from school. I graduated the next year with an associate of arts degree.

I was there for my mom every step of the way and watched as the strongest woman that I knew fought for as long as she could. Two years later she lost her fight and I lost the best friend I had ever known. Never the less I keep on living because that is what she wanted me to do.

I quit my part time job for a job with better hours and better pay and have been happy with my work ever since. I do want to go back to college and get a higher degree, but do not have the money to do that at the moment. In case you're wondering I want to go back for a bachelor's in creative writing.

Writing is my passion and I hope to one day make it my living. It is the only thing that I've found that makes me feel like I have a purpose. I am not currently published, but hope to be soon. I have several short stories finished and have a completed draft of a novel that I am working on editing and rewriting. With any luck I will have it published by this time next year.

I currently live in the house that my mom left me, but I do not live alone. I live with my brother, sister-in-law, their two kids, three dogs, and a cat. If you think that it sounds crowded, then you're right. It gets pretty hectic and I may complain a lot, but I love my family.

Well, I don't really know what else there is to tell about me, so I guess I can tell you what this little blog is going to be.

Honestly, it's going to be whatever I want it to be at the time that I write it. I can do writing advice, rants about my life, tell you guys funny stories that happen to me, do some flash fiction... whatever. So I guess it's more of a journal than a blog.

Anyway, I hope that you like it here and I hope that my life isn't too dull for you to care about. A lot of the time if I post something it's because I want some kind of feedback and don't worry, I won't bite if you have something negative to say... well, not unless you want me to. ;)


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