Game Prep - 2

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Copy and Pasted from my Everything Book

Inspired by Cassia16

Does anyone want to partake in a challenge where you have to solve puzzles to rescue someone from Jasonn? Seeing as I'm kind of a sadist I figured I'd do better as a villain than a victim. One of you could be the victim and the others the rescuers, or if you want a special role I'm sure I could give you one. Puzzles will consist of riddles, writing contests, etc. I will PM people of certain conditions concerning what happens to them during the event. I will allow you guys to choose a bit of what I'm allowed to do to your character, but your character will not be overpowered, and may face some.. issues if they fail a challenge.

Hey I've gotta pass the time in college somehow.


Tag other people you think might be interested.

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