Step One - Part One - Teammate One

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You will now be given the hint to your first teammate. PM me who you think it is. Anyone who is correct for three or more teammates will receive an advantage in discovering the location of the victim.


   A voice comes through the computer speakers. "Relay your hint now, you will be the first revealed."
The person at the keyboard leans back in their chair. "A hint, huh? Hm...let me think about that."

   A few moments later they lean forward and begin typing. After pressing 'Enter', the voice begins to speak again, "'They like to indulge in the impossible task, and while it is true they are sweet, they tricked all their friends by wearing a mask.' Is that what you would like your hint to be? Our sensors have determined that your hint is vague enough." The person at they keyboard clicked yes. The voice spoke again, "Thank you. Your hint has been relayed to the rest of the team."

   The person at the keyboard leaned back in their chair again and sighed. "Let's see how this goes," they commented with a slight laugh.


"They like to indulge in the impossible task, and while it is true they are sweet, they tricked all their friends by wearing a mask."

Who could this be?

PM me to make your guess.


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