Reader Introduction

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Dearest Reader,

I should begin this honorary letter by saying this book will probably be filled with foolhardishness and idiocy, so if you came for an artistic and well-depicted read, paired with depicions of wispy fog and sweetly dripping dreams, you may be likened to my soon-to-be-posted poetry collection Waltz instead of the proceeding text, which would be like a crushing blow to your already dampened hopes. Please wait a few months or something before I manage to throw a handful of random adjectives I never use in your face.

By the time I'm done with this book, it'll most likely be filled with crude humor, pointed comments and stupidity all the way round. As a result, although I would not give this book a Mature rating per se, I would recommend proceeding with caution, in the case of the extremely offendable, sensitive or young.

Lastly I remind you this book's title is Life, Problems, not Life, Amazing. In other words, this is literally a collection of the most downwards and agonizing moments in life, backed up by sarcastic humor with underlying tones of 'holy shizzle' that'll leave a remarkably relatable aftertaste in your mouth. I thus warn you now, if you do not enjoy chapter upon chapter of frustratingly accurate content, now is the time to click or tap up and to the left.

If you do decide to remain, however, I welcome you with open arms...and I hope you appreciate my cautious step back, dropping you onto a hard tile floor. I'm only a child, anyways. Don't break my cracker-like arms.

Love---but not too much love,

Lenny ♡

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