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Group projects are not my style.

Yes, I know, I'm only in sixth grade and can't feel the pain of you college students, but I've had my share of stupid experiences. Most of them involve me doing all the work as well. Stupid but involuntary, I guess.

I'm a pretty smart kiddo, if I do say so myself. Y'know that guy in your class who's super into math? Yeah, that's probably me. Just your normal 12-year-old, 'cept the whole gifted child deal that happens to set me up for doing Grade 9 math. No prob, just my brain and a funny condition. That's it.

Because of this (and the fact I draw a lot, and the fact I write a lot, and the fact that I'm academically gifted and all that shizzle), I'm often the go-to buddy for group projects. Sometimes, though, this isn't really a massive advantage. Sometimes, it's actually annoying.

Take the following example.

Once (a.k.a this year), I got paired up with two other girls in my class for a small project. We were supposed to write and draw a poster about an endangered species and how we can protect them. Simple, right?

Of course, since this assignment involved writing and drawing, two of my biggest skills, a lot of people wanted my help. Eventually I got in a group with the aforementioned two girls, who we'll call Cookieface and Anti-Bones for convenience. Fun, right?

For most of the days we were working on this project, Anti-Bones was on vacation by chance, so it was really just me and Cookieface for this assignment. As a result, please don't blame Anti-Bones for any of this shizzle. She's a great person. Love you, Anti-Bones.

Me and Cookieface didn't have much time on our hands, only about two days, so we sat down real fast. We decided on red pandas (because they are the cutest kind of not-so-panda in the entire freaking world) and started to get down to business. By business, I mean Cookieface wrote four subtitles and printed out a picture of two red panda babies in a cross between a adorable snuggle and violent assault, and then I started researching.

The Google search was mildly successful, and I managed to find information from sorta creditable sources that were not called Wikipedia. Side note: Wikipedia is not a creditable source of information because it's community edited, and anyone can put in any sort of lying rubbish that they want. Don't trust it. It's a lie that wants to ruin your high school career.

After I had finished, however, Cookieface did not respond to any of my prompts, warnings or calls to action. I believe she was too busy singing Ariana Grande songs and arguing with some dude who happened to be half fish. I repeat, this child went totally Helen Keller MIA on me. No offence to Helen Keller. I did a report on you.

So what do you do in this situation?

You fight back and tell that chick to rein her shizzle in and start getting the marker on the paper before you get all up in her eye sockets, obviously. 'Cept that's not what I did. Do as I say, not as I do.

Yes, yours truly was not willing to sacrifice her A-rate grade for some Grande-obsessed cookie woman who talked with fish men, so she put the marker to the paper herself, filled in all the info herself and drew a tiny red panda baby herself. Luckily for me, my panda baby was not involved in any cuddle assaults and was a well-raised tiny fuzzball from the start. Go me.

Anyways, I did basically everything for the project, which later went off without a hitch. By the way, if you were wondering about Anti-Bones, she later came back to school and re-drew my red panda baby who I had erased from the paper. She is still a cool woman. Props to her.

Anyways, isn't that the worst? I'm sure you high school and/or college students have even more stupid stories too, since you do those lectures and shizzle, so I'd love to hear your mortifying stories in the comments. They make my day in a really odd way and all that sappy stuff.

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