Chapter 1:The Beginning

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On the first day of middle school, I wasn't so nervous. All the people I knew from my previous school, were all like Katy!!! Your leg,Because through most of the second semester of fifth grade, I was on crutches.
The sixth graders were supposed to all go into the small gym, because apparently there was a small one and a big one. We all got our schedule, and our first period teachers called our names one by one , and led us to their classroom. My first period was investigating careers, and it was up stairs. I only knew 3 people in that class. Two of them I just knew, they weren't my friends,but I sat by them. The third one was a boy, and let's call him Aa, now he was one of my many friends. We became friends for one reason and that was because we both liked harry potter. In fifth grade I was known for liking to read, mostly just harry potter though. First period was alright, we all eventually got assigned seating, but I made one friend out of that. And the class wasn't all that bad. I also made another new friend before we assigned seating.
Second period was amazing, on the first week. Because all that week, the coaches let us all catch up. We haven't seen other over the summer, so of course we all needed to talk to each other. I got to see most of my old friends. This was an all girl gym class. I also saw two friends from fourth grade. My birthday twin, we had the same birthday, and the other was, let's just say she had her own personality.
Third period, ah, now that was when I got nervous. This was reading class. As soon as I looked in the door, the first person I saw was my first crush of sixth grade and my last crush of fifth grade, this was La. Then I noticed that the seating chart was on the board. I looked for my name, and it was under the number 23, my birthday number. But I also missed something else, but when I found that seat I noticed it, my seat was right beside my crush. I tried to act normal for the rest of class. I think it worked though.
Lunch was after third period, all the tables had the teachers names on them, so if you had that teacher for fourth period, then that's were you sit, I had three friends in that class. Even with assigned seating, I got to sit by one of them. Let's call her Mh, and she was pretty, funny, she could also draw and sing. Fourth period for me was English. (I had all GT classes). I also set an, and keep an A-honor roll till this day. After fourth period I ran into my crush, and that's why now I try to catch him.
Fifth period was science, nothing really exciting just the teacher introducing herself, but we didn't have assigned seating, so I got to sit by another one of my friends.
Sixth period was social studies, by this class I noticed that this same girl was in most of my classes, and we eventually became friends. We came so close that, she asked me who my crush was, I told her. She then told one of my very close friends, she was almost like my sister, then that friend told my sister, and then my sisters told my cousins, and then one of my cousins just can't keep their mouth shut, and she told my mother. I then started having trust issues with her. But were still friends.
Seventh period was advisory for everyone. That was for everyone to either go to another class to finish work or just work on homework. I knew 1 person in that class but with assigned seating I eventually got two other friends.
Eighth period was math my favorite class and since I had that same teacher for advisory I didn't have to go to another classroom. When we got assigned seating, I sat at the back of the room with this girl and we were the only people at our table. We got use to each other and I learned that she was funny and loved harry potter too.
The first week was great, I got to know more about my crush, and made alot of friends, and after the first week, on that weekend I washed my schedule, it was still in my pocket when I washed my clothes, but I remembered it.

Thanks for reading😀

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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