Getting out of the Cocoon

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"It's me!" I said in astonishment.

"It's your mother." Ulysses said while wiping the dust on the canvas with his hands. We are inside the attic somewhere I thought I should have been kept rather than the basement.

I look exactly like my mother. The last piece of the English Royal Family, The long lost lady of England.

I am not very knowledgeable about the Monarchy and how it goes, I can't even imagine the scopes of my responsibility as a young lady, I do not see the point of insisting the redemption of my title but one thing is clear I am going to do this to give my mother's death justice no matter how.

"What Am I up to?" I asked Ulysses with sincere innocence to whatever they planned to make me do ages ago.

"Investigators hold privacy to the death of your mother.Suicide, that is how her death is publicized to save the people from further pain. Her beauty attracted reconciliation to the Unity of the countries who detached from it, invited public attention and respect which economic analysts expected to be far from reach years before she rose beyond the walls of the Royal palace. She is a history sister dear, A history that has been forced depleted by the person next in line to the throne."

Ulysses is clearly accusing someone I don't know, Who's next in line to the throne?

" Sounds distinct?" I asked. I am quite busy finding my way out of Ulysses's cage to know whoever and whatever is happening in the country.

"I have a very reliable proof." quite confident of his information.

"why not come to the police?" that's very sensible why not?

"He is powerful."


"The Prince of Cornwall, Prince Norman. The Husband of your late Aunt Princess Sophia. He is getting the pulse of the parliament and I'm afraid they might see him agreeable to redeem the crown while the real royal blood is out here hanging around the small people of her nation." I turned my back against him, I just felt starving.

"Why don't we just let him do whatever he wants? I think he is more knowledgeable than me. A 21 year old Me with a Helenic beauty cannot run this Nation. And... Royal family is not the government alone...It's just the face of the Nation." Admitting one fact to annoy my lovely brother.

"What? Is that the best you can say to your nation?" He is quite mad. He is teeth is clenching, trying not to hit me in the face.

"Honestly, singing at the bar to entertain the smackheads is my only expertise...uh,oh,uh..hmm..and also attracting disasters.-- MADAAAM! What's for lunch?" I just let that slip to annoy him, I lost two years of chance do that to him. Ridiculously that is how we express brotherly love, Annoying each other.

I walked to the kitchen and looked for anything that can fill me up.

"I can mash a potato for you if you just wanted some beside a steak Madam!" The Cook is obviously trembling upon seeing me opening the containers inside the kitchen, I just broke in here to see whatever I can see. I wonder what kind of spell has been cast into this house to cause all the people horrified with little reasons. I really wanted to have a proper chat with the cook but I can't hardly remember the name of the cook since nobody in the family talks to her, she just come out to serve food.

"Garlic Toasts." I badly needed a garlic toast. Mr.Buckerbergs garlic toasts and brewed coffee.

"Garlic Toasts and sausage"The cook looked at me as if I said something unusual. Uhm,well! They don't serve anything like that in this house, Ulysses is a Vegan of some sort eats nothing but grasses and father is maintaining his diet.

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