Queen Bee

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Having his trust, I was privileged to know things in his life. I could finally see through his mysterious smile, and understand him as a person. As we lay in his bed cuddling I ran my fingers through his think dark hair, enjoying the peace. Oh I was in for such a long ride with him. As the days turned to weeks and weeks to months we had become something unreal. A relationship with out stress and just pure happiness. I couldn't bare not to wake up beside him and see him smile. Other girls came and went. I didn't mind, he enjoyed their company in his life, that was all the mattered to me. I was still the queen bee . I couldn't find the interest in other guys, so I wasn't jealous of his ability to find pretty girls, for the most part. Eventually we went from something to everything. I needed to talk to him about what I felt, I held it in for so long. "lets play twenty Questions" I said excitedly. He turned away froths computer and looked at me "Okay" he said curiously. I started with some silly ones, just keeping the conversation light, but eventually I drew the courage "do you think you could ever love me?" I said as my heart began to pound out of my chest. He was silent for a while, and I waited in pure horror for his answer "I don't know how to define love, but yes." I felt a wave of some relief leave my body. It gave me a hope of something, I wasn't sure what but I was happy. The rest of the night was blissful and happy. A few days later we headed out to a big party, the final of the year. to no surprise my "favourite people" were there. My ability to hide emotions falters when I am drunk but I did my best to hide the jealousy as Hanna and her friends chatted up to Adam. I tried not to compete for dominates against them but I couldn't resist. The night was actually pretty good despite that, yet I still managed to look like an idiot the next day. I had let my jealously show that night, and I could tell it bothered Adam. Things went a little dry for a few weeks after that, my rainbow personality not as bright, and I didn't feel like saying much. He began to grow closer with a girl he met at that party, and of course I was his wing woman so he would tell me little bit about it. He did however know that I was off and made it worse, keeping his emotions hidden. I knew we would figure it out, but for now I had the Banquet to deal with. There was the annual Banquet to end the year coming up, I had to find the perfect dress and the perfect hair. I put on my beautiful red dress and did my hair up in a intricate bun. I wanted to wow Adam at the party. I had lost some weight on this program he and I started, and I felt just as good as I looked. The day drinking started pretty early, and by the time I made it to the banquet hall we were all a bar full of alcohol. I was so nervous to see him, but as I walked in, I could see the smile grow across his face. "you look very nice"he said softly kissing my cheek. I blushed "thank you" I responded. I had to look the part to play the part, and this was my game now.

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