Klüb IcE: The Full Story

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        One day, the team and Jordan were walking along in Minecraft.  “Hey, guys, let’s play Hide and Seek!” Adam said.  Everyone agreed and split up to find a spot to hide.  (It isn’t the minigame.)  

        Jerome found a nice dark oak tree to carve and hide in.  Ian went to a village and hid with Quentin.  Ty and Mitch both found separate mountains by that village and carved them out for a spot.  Adam was seeking.  “Ready or not, here I come!” he called.  

        “Wait!  Wait!  I haven’t found a spot yet!” Jason said.  He then stumbled upon what looked like an abandoned mansion and gazed at it for Notch knows how long.  “Jason, it’s been like 5 minutes,” Adam said.  “Oh- okay, I found something,” Jason said, still in awe of the huge mountainous building and went on in.  “Okay, now here I come.”

        As Jason walked in, he felt a strange new presence in his PC room.  His screen began to get darker and darker until it was all black.  Jason wasn’t sure what it was, but he knew he felt different.  The screen went back to Minecraft.  Jason smiled evilly and said in a weird accent, “Everyone!  Everyone!  Come to this building!  I have big surprise for you!”  “Hey, Jason, what’s wrong with your voice?” Ty said.  “Come on, Jason, type your coordinates into your box, we’ll be there,” Ian reassured.


*Timeskip like 5 minutes*

        “Hello, I am Bruno, owner of Klüb IcE, come in friends, come in,” Jason said energetically to everyone as they walked through the door.  As soon as they saw Jason, they felt the same feeling.  “Oh, hello Bruno, I am Agustus,” Adam said in his weird new accent.  “O-oh… I am Svens,” Ian whispered shyly. “Bruno, do you want to dance later?”  Unfortunately, Jason didn’t hear him.  “Oh, I am Olga,” Jerome said.  “Olga, you so hairy,” Adam said.  “I am Stephano,” Jordan said happily.

“Um, we’re out, right Mitch?  Quentin?” Ty said.  “Um, yeah, right, bye,” Mitch said from outside of the building by Ty and Quentin.  “Yeah, let’s go play Pixelmon,” Quentin suggested.  Mitch giggled.  “Fi--”  “I’M NOT A FISH!” Quentin exclaimed.

“Come now, let us shower,” Jason called.  “Oooh, yes, yes,” Adam exclaimed.  “I feel my extra hair washing off,” Jerome giggled.  “Yah, yah, dis nice,” Ian whispered.  “Hey, Bruno, you wanna come in this shower with me?”  “Um… hey, anybody want to dance?”  “Yah, yah, let’s dance,” Adam replied.  “Come on, everybody, let us go dance,” Jason called.

“Yah, yah, this is nice,” Jordan said.  Ian went up and hit Jason. “Hey Bruno, you want to dance now?”  ”Okay, Svens, let us dance,” he whispered.  They danced together for a few minutes until the chat log said: [ALARM] Another prisoner has reached the boat!  “No!  No!  Who escaped?!”  He gasped.  “Agustus?  But you were my favorite!  Agustus!” he cried.  He went looking around the whole prison for a while.

Meanwhile, IRL…

“You guys!  You have to get out of that prison!  It makes you COO-COO!  And why is everyone calling themselves weird names?  Nevermind that!  I’m coming to get you- wait, no, that won’t work.”

Suddenly, Adam had an idea.  “Wait- Jerome!  Fluffy!  Fluffy!” he called through his headset. “They’re trying to brainwash you!  Fuffy!  Come back to me!  Fluffy!”  Jerome looked away from his monitor.  “Hold on, Olga need drink IRL,” he said, but kept his wireless headset on.  

“Whoa,” he whispered, recollecting himself. “H-hold on… A-adam?  Is that you, buddy?”  “Yeah, Jerome, this is getting serious.  If you stay in Klüb IcE too long, you’ll never get rid of it.  Jerome, you have to remember this drink.  This was the drink of destiny.”  Jerome responded to

Adam’s great speech with a powerful, “K brah.”

Jerome was able to keep his consciousness through going back to his PC and getting back to Klüb IcE, fortunately.  He kept the water in his mouth and talked through the chat log.  He typed in: ‘drink of destiny’ and finally swallowed.  He kept one eye on that message the whole time (not really, but he did look at it when he got a little woozy).  He escaped the club and came to a realization.  “What the heck was that?!” he yelled.  “I dunno, dude, but we need to get the others out,” Adam said.  “I’m going in,” Jerome said. “RUN FLUFFY, RUN LIKE THE WIND!” Adam screamed.

                                                                 To the Klub...

“Ian!  Ian, I’m so glad I found you!” Jerome exclaimed.  “Ian?  Who is Ian?” he said (Ian). “I am Svens.”  “No, you’re not, buddy.  This club- it’s brainwashing you!  Come back to me!  Come on!  Wait- Ian, aren’t you hungry?” Jerome said.  “Yes, I am very hungry.  I will go get a snack now,” Ian said.  

As he stepped away from his monitor, he felt the feeling leave.  “What the balls was that?!” he yelled, barely audible because of how far his microphone was from him.  However, he still had his headset on.  “Okay, listen, buddy, you have to get out of that nut job club,” Jerome explained. “They’re brainwashing you.”  “Alright, dude, I’ll try,” Ian said.

Meanwhile, Jason was furious.  “Agustus!  Olga!  Come back NOW!  I still have the other two!  You can’t stop this!” he screamed.  “Jeez, dude, stop yelling,” said Adam as he turned down his headset volume until Jason was done.  Jerome waited for Ian and together they reached the boat.  Jason was livid.  “NO!  NO!  I CAN’T LOSE YOU LIKE THIS!”  “Hey, man, relax, it’s just Minecraft,” Adam said.  “No, no… this is much more now,” Jason whispered.

 “Um… hey, dude, why don’t you go get some sleep now?  You sound like you need it,” Ian said timidly, scared of how Jason would lash out that time.  “Oh… oh, so I need SLEEP NOW?  I WILL NOT R-rest…” his voice trailed off mid-sentence.  Everyone heard him fall off of his chair onto the floor, and everyone was silent.

When Jason woke up, the game had been ended.  Jordan was released, and he had passed out for a few seconds, but eventually woke up.  However, Adam wanted to talk to them about it. “Okay, guys, let’s make a pact.  We will never, ever go to that building again.  Agreed?”  “Agreed,” everyone said together.  From then on, they never went back.  Until one day…

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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