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"Dreaming about the things, we could be. But baby, I been praying hard, no more counting dollars, we'll be counting... Stars"~ One Republic~ Counting stars

*Claire's p.o.v*

I'm slouched onto the couch while they make conversation, Charlie's trying to reason with her. I think it's working.

"Listen Sel, just tell me what you want" he says standing.
"That's the thing puth" she pulls the gun back, pushing her hair behind her shoulder with it.
"I. Want. You." She spews out.
"Selena just put the gun down.. and we can sort this out. Go back to us. No more Claire. Me and you, like that weekend away, okay baby?" He lies, even though I know he's lying the words sting.
She gets up and goes over to him,
"we COULD go back to us.. but just don't hurt Claire. please. And then we can be together, because I, i love you"
She smile satisfactually, and puts her hand behind his head and whispers in his ear,
"Liar" she points the gun to me and pulls the trigger twice. I never expected to die this way. I thought I'd die, old and grey with charlie by my side.
As I was expecting the bullet to hit me, suddenly selenas mum jumps in front of me, shooting her. She falls to the ground, Selena runs over, dropping the gun. Charlie picks it up and gets the bullets out. I see a baseball bat in the corner of my eye, I run to it and hit her, knocking her unconscious. Charlie pulls her phone out of her pocket and immediately calls the police. After the phone call he runs to me and grips me tightly. A tear falls out of my eye as he whispers,
"We're safe now baby, it's okay"

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