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 This is a short story that I wrote for fun:) Hope you like it!


"We love you, Josh!" yelled teenage fans as I got in my limo. I looked to find my manager, Debbie talking in her phone. "Yes, Josh will come….Tomorrow at twelve..Another star along with him..That should be fine…Bye, Maria. Thanks." Debbie hung the phone up and smiled at me.

I said "Please don't tell me, I have to do another interview."  I love singing and acting but interviews drive me, crazy. I guess the fans and fame makes up for all the annoying press meets and interviews that I have to do.

Debbie said "Sorry, Josh. But, this is an important one. It's in Spain. Actually, another celebrity is going to be with you. They didn't tell me who it was but apparently this is a special interview. That is all I know."

I said "Come on, Debs, get me out of this. I just came back from tour. I am sick of all this celebrity stuff. I love my fans but I need some free time."

Debbie said "Just this one interview and I promise that the rest of the week will be yours to spend."

I sighed and said "Fine. Remember, you promised!" Then I texted my friend, Kenny to tell him that I can't make it to his party, tomorrow. He was supposed to be having a Welcome Back party for me but seeing that I have an interview in Spain, that will be impossible. I was supposed to go back home, today.

I said “Fine. Who is interviewing me?”

Debbie smiled and said “Sofia Alfreto ” 

I smiled and said “Cool. I love that woman! She is so sweet and crazy.”

Debbie said to the driver, “Head to the airport. We are going to Spain.”

I said “How long does it take to get there?” Debbie looked in her blackberry and said “Well, it isn’t far from France. Since we are going to be travelling in the plane, I say about four to five hours. But don’t worry, we are going in your private jet so there is everything that you love to keep you entertained.”

I said “Which one?” You see, I had three planes. It is necessary, sometimes.

Debbie said “The one, you just bought recently.”

I said “Cool. But, you need to play X-box with me.” She smiled and said “Prepare to lose, boy.”

I smiled coyly and said “We will see, Debbie. We will see.”


“That’s a wrap up, people. Good job!” said the director.  We all cheered. I went and hugged my co-star, Joe.

Joe said “It was a pleasure working with you, Izzie.”  I smiled back and said “You too, Joe. I have a good feeling about this movie.”

He nodded and said “I am sure the audience will love it.”

A voice said “They better love it! We worked for seven months on this movie. I will be damn surprised if both of you don’t receive an Oscar nomination for this movie.”  I turned around to face the director of this movie, Peter.

 I smiled at Peter and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I said “Thanks and I loved working with you.”

Peter said “Me too, kiddo. Good luck! I am sure, I will see you again.”

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