Chapter Six

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Viktor's POV

After I head back to my room, take a bath, and head to bed, it seems like only seconds before its morning and Yuuri is yanking my blankets off my body. I curl inward as Yuuri throws my curtains open, letting the bright light into my room.

"Yuuuuuriii, why'd you do that? I'm cold now." I peek out of the corner of my eye and see Yuuri looking at me with a smirk on his face, arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Maybe you would be a bit less cold if you wore more than just a pair of boxers to bed." I look down at my folded legs and find that, yes, I'm wearing just boxers. My face turns red, and I bury my face in my knees, trying to hide my bright blush from Yuuri.

 His booming laughter fills the room, and my heart starts to swell before if painfully lurches, memories of Carter flowing through my brain before I have the chance to fight them off. I used to be able to make Carter laugh like that.

I'm too overwhelmed with the bad memories flowing through my head, and when Yuuri sits down next to me and lightly touches my shoulder, I jump and curl in on myself even further.

"Viktor, are you okay?" I shake my head, and I feel warm tears trickle out of my eyes, silent sobs wracking through my body. "Whats wrong, Viktor?" In Yuuri's arms, I steel myself to admit what I've been too afraid to admit.

"I-I miss h-him, Yuuri. I-I loved him, a-and he just," I swallow, wipe my eyes still streaming with hot tears, and sit up before saying, "he brought m-me up higher th-than I e-ever thought was possible, and then h-he got bored a-and dropped me. A-and I fell, fell th-through the clouds and into the o-ocean, and I've been lost, s-so lost. I cant find my w-way back t-to how I was."

I look at Yuuri, fighting the urge to cover my red eyes with my hands and see a predatorial gaze flash in his eyes before he gathers my body in his arms and holds me close to his chest. I lay my head on his chest, the steady beat of his heart comforting me.

 "Listen, Viktor..." Yuuri is cut off by Phichit bursting through the door, a look of urgency on his face. He looks at me and grits his teeth, drifting his eyes back to Yuuri.

"Yuuri, we have a big problem. Like really big. Code red." I look up at Yuuri and see him snarl, a quiet growl leaving his throat. He squeezes me tightly before running over to the door, pausing at the doorway and looking back at me, a conflicted expression on his face. 

"I-I'm really sorry about this Viktor. I hope you can forgive me." My eyes widen when he pulls a key out of his pocket, and I run at the door when he slams it shut and locks me in.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I scream, wiggling the doorknob as a fresh set of tears rolls down my face. I push and push on the door, but its too strong and I'm too weak. I curl up against the door, loud sobs shaking my whole body.

"Yuuri, p-please d-don't leave m-me alone l-like this, don't l-leave me like h-he did." I bury my streaming eyes in my arms and stay, sobbing, at the base of the door, waiting for Yuuri to come back.


Yuuri's POV

"Phichit, go get the rest of the crew. I need to get ready." Phichit nods his head and runs off to alert everyone else. As I run back to my room, my mind drifts to Viktor, and my heart lurches and sinks in my chest. The terrified look he gave me before I slammed the door shut fills my vision, distracting me and causing me to slam my shoulder into the wall of the hall right outside my room. I swear under my breath as I run into my room and slam the door shut.

Running my fingers through my hair, I grab my back clothes and combat boots, getting changed in 20 seconds. I strap weapon after weapon to my body, stopping after I put two guns into their holsters at my waist. I burst through the doorway out into the hallway and run to the control room where I know that Phichit will be.

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