Chapter Twelve

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Viktor's POV

I thought Yuuri would have noticed that I hadn't left my room for a while after I left the exercise room. That I hadn't even left to get lunch. I thought he would have come to my room to ask me what was wrong.

He didn't.

I laid in my bed, studying the blue swirls of paint on the ceiling for at least two hours, waiting to hear a knock on the door, a voice asking if I was okay.

It never came.

I sit up on my bed, head bent down to look at my lap. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, and only when I feel a warm drop land on my hand do I realize that I started to cry.

I wipe my eyes with the backs of my hand, willing the tears to stop.

They don't.

So I sit on my bed, tears streaming down my face until I feel anger, towards myself and Yuuri,  well up in my chest.

"This is so stupid," I mumble, punching my mattress. "'I'm crying and sulking over the stupidest thing, and I won't stop. I'm such a crybaby." I start punching the soft mattress even harder, and the tears pour faster.

"Why do I even care about Yuuri and Noah? It's obvious they don't care about me," I grit out, emphasizing every word with a punch to the mattress. 

The punches start to get harder, and the tears start to stream down my face faster and faster, dripping down my chin and onto my mattress. Sobs start to force my chest to heave.

"Woah, woah, calm down Viktor!" I hear a voice say. Calloused hands grab my tense fists and pull them back, stopping the punches. My chest heaves with the sobs and heavy breaths escaping my lungs.

"Viktor, what's wrong? What happened?" I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders and a comforting hand rub circles on my back. My breathing stays erratic, and the tears rolling down my face end up dripping onto the arm wrapped around me.

"Breath, take a deep breath. Calm down Viktor. Everything's okay." I listen to the soothing masculine voice, and my breath starts to even out, the tears stop rolling as fast.

"Viktor, will you tell me how this happened?" The voice asks as I lean my head back onto the muscled shoulder and squeeze my eyes shut.

"I-I don't really know. I was sitting here, I was upset. I got angry. I-I just started punching and I just...zoned out, I guess." I feel hands travel to my shoulders before thumbs begin stroking them.

"What were you upset about?" My hands clench back into fists, and more tears spill from my eyes.

Don't tell him Viktor, he'll think you're weak, and he'll look down on you, the voice in my head sneered.

"I-It was nothing important," I whisper, letting the voice in my head take over my thoughts.

"It obviously isn't nothing Viktor. I found you crying and punching your bed, and I wouldn't call whatever caused that 'nothing'. Viktor, you can trust me, okay?" My eyes shoot open when I finally recognize that voice.

The soft, strong voice of Yuuri Katsuki.

You can't trust him. Push him away before he can hurt you, the voice in my head spits out.

You mean just like Carter did? Yuuri would never do that, the other voice in my head fights back.

I push away both voices before sitting up in bed and meeting Yuuri's chocolate brown eyes. Then my eyes go straight to the large bruise blooming under his left eye.

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