of roses and cafes | changlix

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lmao this was originally part of a changlix short story idea i had but i decided i liked it better as just a one-shot, so here we go!

also i probably should've waited for a cover to be made but ya know what i was excited to post this so why not

dedicated to my home girl stanfelix who writes lit-ass stories and really just inspired me to write smth stray kids related ahaha love you!! <3

+ i wrote this out of order so if there are consistency issues that's probably why oop

without further ado, i present to you my first stray kids one-shot in (hopefully) a series of many :)


sunday. while felix normally enjoyed the day - who didn't love weekends? - his heart filled with dread and worry when he woke up.

that morning, he had, miraculously, managed to wake up at the sound of his alarm, which he'd set for nine am. he knew that that might be considered late for some of those morning people, but felix was most definitely not a morning person. considering he usually woke up after noon, he was pretty proud of himself for being able to keep his eyes open for more than ten seconds at all.

his roommates were equally surprised at his morning appearance. he was pretty sure he still looked like a zombie, but at least he was standing. "good morning," he mumbled, his voice filled with sleep, his words drawled out.

through his squinted eyes, he swore he saw jisung flinch and nearly drop his cup of milk. "holy shit. is this felix? awake? in the morning? on a weekend?"

"stop acting so surprised." yawning, felix stumbled into the kitchen, opening the fridge to get his own milk. cereal was, and always would be, his go-to breakfast.

"sorry," jisung said sheepishly, clicking his tongue. "i just didn't think you meant it when you said you'd wake up before twelve."

"you really didn't." seungmin, who was most definitely a morning person, came striding into the room, holding his palm out in front of jisung. "pay up."

jisung groaned. "i'll get five bucks for you later."

coughing at his friends' interaction, felix attempted to shake the last few pieces of cereal out of the bag. he'd have to make a trip to the supermarket if he wanted breakfast tomorrow. "you guys bet on if i would wake up by my alarm or not?"

"well yeah." jisung said, rolling his eyes. "i was almost certain you wouldn't, but seungmin seemed insistent that you would. it was betting material." he sighed. "you really couldn't have slept for four more hours?"

"the things people do for love," seungmin mused.

felix's stomach turned at the reminder of the date. was it a date? maybe he should just assume that it isn't a date, just to play it safe. "i wouldn't say love," he said. jisung and seungmin both scoffed at this.

"shut up, it's totally love." taking a sip of his milk, jisung wiggled his eyebrows above his cup. "take it from someone who isn't single."

seungmin punched him. "you literally just got together with minho three months ago. that isn't a long time."

"it's a long time compared to you and hyunjin, isn't it?"

felix nearly choked on his cheerios. honestly, he wasn't sure what hyunjin and seungmin were at this point; the two, while not so evidently head-over-heels as jisung and minho had been, were still very clearly the perfect pair. having met three years ago, it could only be considered a miracle that they hadn't gotten together yet.

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