
15 1 0

Video log, entry 1.

"Hey guys this (y/n) and I have just found out that I will be the co-manager for a boy group called BTS, I will be moving from (h/t) to Seoul, South Korea today and I will be meeting them in about 2 weeks time! Wish me luck, (y/n) out!"


(y/n) used to be a small time youtuber and has gone on to do something new, big and different. She has studied business management and whatnot, but never got to pursue her dream job, however, the gods have decided to bless her with a new clean slate and have given her the opportunity of co-managing a group of seven rowdy boys.

Despite being a co-manager her job seems to include babysitting, what will she do?


Hehehe 125 words :3

Co-mananging BTSWhere stories live. Discover now