Female! Japan x America - Cookies

112 7 10

((This was written for: _The_Skelebros))

        "Alfred! Get down from there!" Sakura scolded, her hands on her hips. She sighed a bit staring up at the man sitting up top in the pine tree.

        "No way dude! I can see Everything from up here! Besides, what if someone needs my help and I can't see where they are!? What kind of hero would I be then?!" Alfred argued, wrapping his arms around the tree.

"If you d0on't come down now, I will actually have to call the police!"

"Do it! I'll fight them!"

        Sakura scooted off into the house, grabbing a box of girl scout cookies. Samoas of course, because thin mints are shit.

"I have cookies!" She shook the box, trying to bring him down as if she where trying to lure her cat to her. Alfred dropped down to the ground, rushing over sticking like three in his mouth.

"I totally would have fought them."

"I know you would've."

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