Fight for You

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        ***Hi um this is the first story I've ever posted on here XD I'm Addie btw. lol i have no clue what im doing so be gentle with me XD I've always been scared to publish my writing.. but here i am... yoloingXD lol so the picture i attached is my main character Jordan Hayes. (Unfortunately, i do not know who the person in the picture is, but this is what i imagine she looks like) Anyway... I'm VERY new at this so if i get better feedback on this story than i think i will, ill continue with more chapters. please please PLEASE give me feedback! i want to know what you're thinking so far with the story or what i can do to be a better writer or anything i need to fix. Thank you sososo much for reading<3***


Take a deep breath.                                  

Inhaling the fumes.

I shake my can and hear the marble bounce through the paint. I take pride in my work, because I figure if I get in trouble it might as well be for something amazing. I put the can down and checked my phone. It read 2:07am, I put my phone in my pocket and stepped back. I looked at what used to be my Math teacher's white board but now it read "Ki$$ my A$$" in all different colors. I just stood there admiring my work. Not bad for a girl.

Satisfied that I finished my job I turned around to do the other side of the classroom. Right as I was shaking my can, I heard police sirens.

They are just driving by the school to go somewhere else. No biggy. I silently thought to myself. But just in case I walked over to the window to check. I saw the flashing lights driving towards the school. They are just going to drive by... I assured myself.

They turned into the school parking lot.


I started throwing all my paint cans and rags in my bag. I threw my bag over my shoulder And ran out if Mr.McKinley's classroom down the hall. Why would the cops come for me? I've never gotten caught by them before. This whole school is empty!!! How did they find out I'm here?!!

I turned down a different hallway towards the back exit. I pushed through the door and felt the cold morning air against my skin. I peeked around the corner and watched the police storm the school. Someone must have seen me because I have snuck inside the school so many times before.

I started walking down down the intersection by the school... Luckily live in the condos 10 minutes from my school. After a couple minutes I was walking up the stairs in my building toward my moms condo. I pull out my keys looking for the right one and before I could put my key in the door, it flew open.

My younger brother Ethan stood before me.

"I found her!" he yelled.

"SHHHH!" I clasped my hand around his 14 year old mouth because I knew our mother would be asleep. To my surprise she came around the corner and threw her arms around me.

I said, "Mom what's going on?"

"What's going on??? It's 2:30 in the morning and YOU weren't in the house!" my mother said shaking her finger at me.

"My friend called me and said she needed me so I figured you wouldn't object." I lied. I don't have friends. Unfortunately my mother was very good at figuring out whether I'm lying or not.

She glared at me. "Don't give me that bullshit."

"Look mom, you and I both know that what I was doing probably wasn't good so you don't want to know. So we are all going to go back to bed and forget this happened... Okay??" My mom just stood staring at me. She knows I'm not a “good child” and get in trouble a lot. She and my principal are on a first name basis now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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